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Paul Laurence Dunbar - When Malindy SingsPaul Laurence Dunbar - When Malindy Sings
Work rating: Medium

G`WAY an` quit dat noise, Miss Lucy          Put dat music book away; What`s de use to keep on tryin`?          Ef you practise twell you`re gray, You cain`t sta`t no notes a-flyin`          Lak de ones dat rants and rings F`om de kitchen to be big woods          When Malindy sings. You ain`t got de nachel o`gans          Fu` to make de soun` come right, You ain`t got de tu`ns an` twistin`s          Fu` to make it sweet an` light. Tell you one thing now, Miss Lucy,          An` I`m tellin` you fu` true, When hit comes to raal right singin`,          `T ain`t no easy thing to do. Easy `nough fu` folks to hollah,          Lookin` at de lines an` dots, When dey ain`t no one kin sence it,          An` de chune comes in, in spots; But fu` real melojous music,          Dat jes` strikes yo` hea`t and clings, Jes` you stan` an` listen wif me          When Malindy sings. Ain`t you nevah hyeahd Malindy?          Blessed soul, tek up de cross! Look hyeah, ain`t you jokin`, honey?          Well, you don`t know whut you los`. Y` ought to hyeah dat gal a-wa`blin`,          Robins, la`ks, an` all dem things, Heish dey moufs an` hides dey faces          When Malindy sings. Fiddlin` man jes` stop his fiddlin`,          Lay his fiddle on de she`f; Mockin`-bird quit tryin` to whistle,          `Cause he jes` so shamed hisse`f. Folks a-playin` on de banjo          Draps dey fingahs on de strings— Bless yo` soul—fu`gits to move em,          When Malindy sings. She jes` spreads huh mouf and hollahs,          "Come to Jesus," twell you hyeah Sinnahs` tremblin` steps and voices,          Timid-lak a-drawin` neah; Den she tu`ns to "Rock of Ages,"          Simply to de cross she clings, An` you fin` yo` teahs a-drappin`          When Malindy sings. Who dat says dat humble praises          Wif de Master nevah counts? Heish yo` mouf, I hyeah dat music,          Ez hit rises up an` mounts— Floatin` by de hills an` valleys,          Way above dis buryin` sod, Ez hit makes its way in glory          To de very gates of God! Oh, hit`s sweetah dan de music          Of an edicated band; An` hit`s dearah dan de battle`s          Song o` triumph in de lan`. It seems holier dan evenin`          When de solemn chu`ch bell rings, Ez I sit an` ca`mly listen          While Malindy sings. Towsah, stop dat ba`kin`, hyeah me!          Mandy, mek dat chile keep still; Don`t you hyeah de echoes callin`          F`om de valley to de hill? Let me listen, I can hyeah it,          Th`oo de bresh of angels` wings, Sof` an` sweet, "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,"          Ez Malindy sings.

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