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Rudyard Kipling - How the Leopard Got His SpotsRudyard Kipling - How the Leopard Got His Spots
Work rating: Low

I am the Most Wise Baviaan, saying in Most wise tones, "Let us melt into the landscape just us two by our lones." People  have  come in  a  carriage calling. But Mummy is there.  .  .  . Yes, I can go if you take me—Nurse says she don`t care. Let`s go up to the pig-styes and sit on the farmyard rails! Let`s say things to the bunnies, and watch `em skitter their tails! Let`s`-oh, anything, daddy, so long as it`s you and me, And going truly exploring, and not being in till tea! Here`s your boots (I`ve brought `em), and here`s your cap and stick, And here`s your pipe and tobacco. Oh, come along out of it quick!

The script ran 0.009 seconds.