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Rudyard Kipling - MemoriesRudyard Kipling - Memories
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"The eradication of memories of the Great War. -SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT ORGAN The Socialist Government speaks: THOUGH all the Dead were all forgot         And razed were every tomb, The Worm-the Worm that dieth not         Compels Us to our doom. Though all which once was England stands         Subservient to Our will, The Dead of whom we washed Our hands,         They have observance still. We laid no finger to Their load.         We multiplied Their woes. We used Their dearly-opened road         To traffic with Their foes: And yet to Them men turn their eyes,         To Them are vows renewed Of Faith, Obedience, Sacrifice,         Honour and Fortitude! Which things must perish. But Our hour         Comes not by staves or swords So much as, subtly, through the power         Of small corroding words. No need to make the plot more plain         By any open thrust; But-see Their memory is slain           Long ere Their bones are dust! Wisely, but yearly, filch some wreath-         Lay some proud rite aside- And daily tarnish with Our breath         The ends for which They died. Distract, deride, decry, confuse-         (Or-if it serves Us-pray!) So presently We break the use         And meaning of Their day!

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