Rudyard Kipling - BobsRudyard Kipling - Bobs
Work rating:
There`s a little red-faced man,
Which is Bobs,
Rides the talliest `orse `e can —
Our Bobs.
If it bucks or kicks or rears,
`E can sit for twenty years
With a smile round both `is ears —
Can`t yer, Bobs?
Then `ere`s to Bobs Bahadur — little Bobs, Bobs, Bobs!
`E`s our pukka Kandaharder —
Fightin` Bobs, Bobs, Bobs!
`E`s the Dook of Aggy Chel;
`E`s the man that done us well,
An` we`ll follow `im to `ell —
Won`t we, Bobs?
If a limber`s slipped a trace,
`Ook on Bobs.
If a marker`s lost `is place,
Dress by Bobs.
For `e`s eyes all up `is coat,
An`a a bugle in `is throat,
An` you will not play the goat
Under Bobs.
`E`s a little down on drink
Chaplain Bobs;
But it keeps us outer Clink —
Don`t it, Bobs?
So we will not complain
Tho` `e`s water on the brain,
If `e leads us straight again —
Blue-light Bobs.
If you stood `im on `is head,
Father Bobs,
You could spill a quart ot lead
Outer Bobs.
`E`s been at it thirty years,
An-amassin` soveneers
In the way o` slugs an` spears —
Ain`t yer Bobs?
What `e does not know o`war,
Gen`ral Bobs,
You cun arst the shop next door —
Can`t they, Bobs?
Oh, `e`s little but he`s wise;
`E`s terror for `is size:,
An` — `e — does — not — advertise —
Do yer, Bobs?
Now they`ve made a bloomin` Lord
Outer Bobs,
Which was but `is fair reward —
Wheren`t it, Bobs?:
So `e`ll wear a coronet
Where `is `elmet used to set;
But we know you won`t forget —
Will yer, Bobs?
Then `ere`s to Bobs Bahadur — little Bobs, Bobs, Bobs,
Pocket-Wellin`ton an` arder —
Fightin` Bobs, Bobs, Bobs!
This ain`t no bloomin` ode,
But you`ve `elped the soldier`s load,
An` for benefits bestowed,
Bless yer, Bobs!
The script ran 0.01 seconds.