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Dinah Maria Mulock - Winter MoonlightDinah Maria Mulock - Winter Moonlight
Work rating: Low

LOUD-VOICED night, with the wild wind blowing Many a tune; Stormy night, with white rain-clouds going Over the moon; Mystic night, that each minute changes, Now as blue as the mountain-ranges Far, far away; Now as black as a heart where strange is Joy, night or day. Wondrous moonlight, unlike all moonlights Since I was born; That on a hundred, bright as noonlights, Looks in slow scorn,-- Moonlights where the old vine-leaves quiver, Moonlights shining on vale and river, Where old paths lie; Moonlights--Night, blot their like forever Out of the sky! Hail, new moonlight, fierce, wild, and stormy, Wintry and bold! Hail, sharp wind, that can strengthen, warm me, If ne`er so cold! Not chance-driven this deluge rages, ONE doth pour out and ONE assuages; Under His hand Drifting, Noah-like, into the ages Shall touch land.

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