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Dinah Maria Mulock - The Good Of ItDinah Maria Mulock - The Good Of It
Work rating: Low

A Cynic`s Song. SOME men strut proudly, all purple and gold, Hiding queer deeds `neath a cloak of good fame; I creep along, braving hunger and cold, To keep my heart stainless as well as my name; So, so, where is the good of it? Some clothe bare Truth in fine garments of words, Fetter her free limbs with cumbersome state: With me, let me sit at the lordliest boards, "I love" means I love, and "I hate" means I hate, But, but, where is the good of it? Some have rich dainties and costly attire, Guests fluttering round them and duns at the door: I crouch alone at my plain board and fire, Enjoy what I pay for and scorn to have more. Yet, yet, where is the good of it? Some gather round them a phalanx of friends, Scattering affection like coin in a crowd; I keep my heart for the few that heaven sends, Where they`ll find their names writ when I lie in my shroud. Still, still, where is the good of it? Some toy with love, lightly come, lightly go, A blithe game at hearts, little worth, little cost:-- I staked my whole soul on one desperate throw, A life `gainst an hour`s sport. We played` and I--lost Ha, ha, such was the good of it! Moral: Added On His Death-Bed TURN the Past`s mirror backward. Its shadows removed, The dim confused mass becomes softened, sublime: I have worked--I have felt--I have lived--I have loved, And each was a step towards the goal I now climb: Thou, God, Thou sawest the good of it.

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