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Dinah Maria Mulock - A Silly SongDinah Maria Mulock - A Silly Song
Work rating: Low

"O HEART, my heart!" she said, and heard His mate the blackbird calling, While through the sheen of the garden green May rain was softly falling,-- Aye softly, softly falling. The buttercups across the field Made sunshine rifts of splendor: The round snow-bud of the thorn in the wood Peeped through its leefage tender, As the rain came softly falling. "O heart, my heart!" she said and smiled, "There`s not a tree of the valley, Or a leaf I wis which the rain`s soft kiss Freshens in yonder alley, Where the drops keep ever falling,-- "There`s not a foolish flower i` the grass, Or bird through the woodland calling, So glad again of the coming of rain As I of these tears now falling,-- These happy tears down falling."

The script ran 0.001 seconds.