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Dinah Maria Mulock - "Until Her Death."Dinah Maria Mulock - "Until Her Death."
Work rating: Low

I. UNTIL her death!" the words read strange yet real, Like things afar off suddenly brought near:-- Will it be slow or speedy, full of fear, Or calm as a spent day of peace ideal? II. Will her brown locks lie white on coffin pillow? Will these her eyes, that sometime were called sweet, Close, after years of dried-up tears, or meet Death`s dust in midst of weeping? And that billow,-- III. Her restless heart,--will it be stopped, still heaving? Or softly ebb `neath age`s placid breath? Will it be lonely, this mysterious death, Fit close unto her solitary living,-- IV. A turning of her face to the wall, nought spoken, Exchanging this world`s light for heaven`s;--or will She part in pain, from warm love to the chill Unknown, pursued with cries of hearts half-broken? V. With fond lips felt through the blind mists of dying, And close arms clung to in the struggle vain;-- Or, these all past, will death to her be gain, Unto her life`s long question God`s replying? VI. No more. Within his hand, divine as tender, He holds the mystic measure of her days; And be they few or many, His the praise,-- In life or death her Keeper and Defender. VII. Then, come He soon or late, she will not fear Him; Be her end lone or loveful, she`ll not grieve; For He whom she believed in--doth believe-- Will call her from the dust, and she will hear Him.

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