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Dinah Maria Mulock - A Flower Of A DayDinah Maria Mulock - A Flower Of A Day
Work rating: Low

OLD friend, that with a pale and pensile grace Climbest the lush hedgerows, art thou back again, Marking the slow round of the wond`rous years? Didst beckon me a moment, silent flower? Silent? As silent is the archangel`s pen That day by day writes our life chronicle, And turns the page,--the half-forgotten page, Which all eternity will never blot. Forgotten? No, we never do forget: We let the years go: eash then clean with tears, Leave them to bleach, out in the open day, Or lock them careful by, like dead friends` clothes, Till we shall dare unfold them without pain,-- But we forget not, never can forget. Flower, thou and I a moment face to face-- My face as clear as thine, this July noon Shining on both, on bee and butterfly And golden geetle creeping in the sun-- Will pause, and,lifting up, page after page, The many-colored history of life, Look backwards, backwards. So, the volume close! This July day, with the sun high in heaven, And the whole earth rejoicing,--let it close. I think we need not sigh, complain, nor rave; Nor blush,--our doings and misdoing all Being more `gainst heaven than man, heaven them does keep With all its doings and undoings strange Concerning us.--Ah, let the volume close: I would not alter in it one poor line. My dainty flower, my innocent white flower With such a pure smile looking up to heaven, With such a bright smile looking down on me-- (Nothing but smiles,--as if in all the world Were no such things as thunder-storms or frosts, Or broken petals trampled on the ground, Or shivering leaveswhirled in the wintry air Like ghosts of last years joys--my pretty flower, I`ll pluck thee--smiling too. Not one salt drop Shall stain thee:--if these foolish eyes are dim, That they behold such beauty and such peace, Such wisdom and such sweetness, in God`s world.

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