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Percy Bysshe Shelley - Fragment Of The Elegy On The Death Of AdonisPercy Bysshe Shelley - Fragment Of The Elegy On The Death Of Adonis
Work rating: Medium

From the Greek of Bion. I mourn Adonis dead—loveliest Adonis-- Dead, dead Adonis--and the Loves lament. Sleep no more, Venus, wrapped in purple woof-- Wake violet-stoled queen, and weave the crown Of Death,--`tis Misery calls,--for he is dead. The lovely one lies wounded in the mountains, His white thigh struck with the white tooth; he scarce Yet breathes; and Venus hangs in agony there. The dark blood wanders o`er his snowy limbs, His eyes beneath their lids are lustreless, The rose has fled from his wan lips, and there That kiss is dead, which Venus gathers yet. A deep, deep wound Adonis... A deeper Venus bears upon her heart. See, his beloved dogs are gathering round-- The Oread nymphs are weeping--Aphrodite With hair unbound is wandering through the woods, `Wildered, ungirt, unsandalled--the thorns pierce Her hastening feet and drink her sacred blood. Bitterly screaming out, she is driven on Through the long vales; and her Assyrian boy, Her love, her husband, calls--the purple blood From his struck thigh stains her white navel now, Her bosom, and her neck before like snow. Alas for Cytherea—the Loves mourn-- The lovely, the beloved is gone!--and now Her sacred beauty vanishes away. For Venus whilst Adonis lived was fair-- Alas! her loveliness is dead with him. The oaks and mountains cry, Ai! ai! Adonis! The springs their waters change to tears and weep-- The flowers are withered up with grief... Ai! ai! ... Adonis is dead Echo resounds ... Adonis dead. Who will weep not thy dreadful woe. O Venus? Soon as she saw and knew the mortal wound Of her Adonis—saw the life-blood flow From his fair thigh, now wasting,—wailing loud She clasped him, and cried ... `Stay, Adonis! Stay, dearest one,... and mix my lips with thine-- Wake yet a while, Adonis—oh, but once, That I may kiss thee now for the last time-- But for as long as one short kiss may live-- Oh, let thy breath flow from thy dying soul Even to my mouth and heart, that I may suck That...`

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