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Lucy Maud Montgomery - The Little Gable WindowLucy Maud Montgomery - The Little Gable Window
Work rating: Low

There`s a little gable window in a cottage far away, Where a child in purple twilights used to softly kneel and pray, While across the marge of evening fell the darkness, and the stars Peeped in tender benediction over Heaven`s silver bars. Softly thro` the gathering shadows breathed that little, tender prayer, For the undimmed faith of childhood knows a far diviner air. God was good and so was mother, sunny moments stretched before, And the after dreams were colored by the hues the future wore. There`s a little gable window in a cottage far away Where a maiden used to linger at the closing of the  day, Face as fresh and fair as May-time, lips of laughter, eyes of blue, Dreaming lightly of the future with a heart sincere and true. All the winds that blew to meet her sang of happy days to be When the rose of life should blossom in a land beyond the sea. Hand in hand with love eternal all the future way seemed fair; In that little olden cottage Youth had never met with care. Ah, the years have brought me sorrow—I am tired and weary now, There is silver in my tresses, there are lines upon my brow, And my heart is filled with longing just once more to kneel and pray By the little gable window of that cottage for away.

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