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James Thomson - Lisy`s Parting With Her CatJames Thomson - Lisy`s Parting With Her Cat
Work rating: Low

The dreadful hour with leaden pace approached, Lashed fiercely on by unrelenting fate, When Lisy and her bosom Cat must part: For now to school and pensive needle doomed, She`s banished from her childhood`s undashed joy, And all the pleasing intercourse she kept With her grey comrade, which has often soothed Her tender moments, while the world around Glowed with ambition, business, and vice, Or lay dissolved in sleep`s delicious arms; And from their dewy orbs the conscious stars Shed on their friendship influence benign.   But see where mournful Puss, advancing stood With outstretched tail, casts looks of anxious woe On melting Lisy, in whose eye the tear Stood tremulous, and thus would fain have said, If nature had not tied her struggling tongue: "Unkind, O! who shall now with fattening milk, With flesh, with bread, and fish beloved, and meat, Regale my taste? and at the cheerful fire, Ah! who shall bask me in their downy lap? Who shall invite me to the bed, and throw The bedclothes o`er me in the winter night, When Eurus roars? Beneath whose soothing hand Soft shall I purr? But now, when Lisy`s gone, What is the dull officious world to me? I loathe the thoughts of life:" thus plained the Cat, While Lisy felt, by sympathetic touch, These anxious thoughts that in her mind revolved, And casting on her a desponding look, She snatched her in her arms with eager grief, And mewing, thus began:— "O Cat beloved! Thou dear companion of my tender years! Joy of my youth! that oft hast licked my hands With velvet tonge ne`er stained by mouse`s blood; Oh, gentle Cat! how shall I part with thee? How dead and heavy will the moments pass When you are not in my delighted eye, With Cubi playing, or your flying tail! How harshly will the softest muslin feel, And all the silk of schools, while I no more Have your sleek skin to soothe my softened sense! How shall I eat while you are not beside To share the bit? How shall I ever sleep While I no more your lulling murmurs hear? Yet we must part so rigid fate decress— But never shall your loved idea, dear, Part from my soul, and when I first can mark The embroidered figure on the snowy lawn, Your image shall my needle keen employ. Hark! now I`m called away!  O direful sound! I come I come, but first I charge you all— You you and you, particularly you, O, Mary, Mary, feed her with the best, Repose her nightly in the warmest couch, And be a Lisy to her!" Having said, She sat her down, and with her head across, Rushed to the evil which she could not shun, While a sad mew went knelling to her heart!

The script ran 0.005 seconds.