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James Thomson - On HappinessJames Thomson - On Happiness
Work rating: Low

Warm`d by the summer sun`s meridian ray, As underneath a spreading oak I lay Contemplating the mighty load of woe, In search of bliss that mortals undergo, Who, while they think they happiness enjoy, Embrace a curse wrapt in delusive joy, I reason`d thus: Since the Creator, God, Who in eternal love makes his abode, Hath blended with the essence of the soul An appetite as fixed as the pole, That`s always eager in pursuit of bliss, And always veering till it points to this, There is some object adequate to fill This boundless wish of our extended will. Now, while my thought round nature`s circle runs (A bolder journey than the furious sun`s) This chief and satiating good to find The attracting centre of the human mind, My ears they deafen`d, to my swimming eyes His magic wand the drowsy God applies, Bound all my senses in a silken sleep, While mimic fancy did her vigils keep; Yet still methinks some condescending power Ranged the ideas in my mind that hour. Methought I wandering was, with thousands more, Beneath a high prodigious hill, before, Above the clouds whose towering summit rose, With utmost labour only gained by those Who groveling prejudices throw away, And with incessant straining climb`d their way; Where all who stood their failing breath to gain, With headlong ruin tumbled down amain. This mountain is through every nation famed, And, as I learned, Contemplation named. O happy me! when I had reach`d its top Unto my sight a boundless scene did ope. First, sadly I survey`d with downward eye, Of restless men below the busy fry, Who hunted trifles in an endless maze, Like foolish boys, on sunny summer days, Pursuing butterflies with all their might, Who can`t their troubles, in the chase requite. The painted insect, he who most admires, Grieves most when it in his rude hand expires; Or should it live, with endless fears is toss`d, Lest it take wing and be for ever lost. Some men I saw their utmost art employ How to attain a false deceitful joy, Which from afar conspicuously did blaze, And at a distance fix`d their ravish`d gaze, But nigh at hand it mock`d their fond embrace. When lo! again it flashed in their eyes, But still, as they drew near, the fond illusion dies. Just so I`ve seen a water-dog pursue An unflown duck within his greedy view, When he has, panting, at his prey arrived, The coxcomb fooling—suddenly it dived; He, gripping, is almost with water choked, And grieves that all his towering hopes are mock`d. Then it emerges, he renews his toil, And o`er and o`er again he gets the foil. Yea, all the joys beneath the conscious sun, And softer ones that his inspection shun, Much of their pleasures in fruition fade. Enjoyment o`er them throws a sullen shade. The reason is, we promise vaster things And sweeter joys than from their nature springs: When they are lost, we weep the apparent bliss, And not what really in Fruition is; So that our griefs are greater than our joys, And real pain springs from fantastic toys. Though all terrene delights of men below Are almost nothing but a glaring show; Yet if there always were a virgin joy When t`other fades to soothe the wanton boy, He somewhat might excuse his heedless course, Some show of reason for the same enforce: But frugal nature wisely does deny To mankind such profuse variety; Has what is needful only to us given, To feed and cheer us in the way to Heaven; And more would but the traveller delay, Impede and clog him in his upward way. I from the mount all mortal pleasures saw Themselves within a narrow compass draw: The libertine a nauseous circle run, And dully acted what he`d often done. Just so when Luna darts her silver ray, And pours on silent earth a paler day: From Stygian caves the flitting fairies scud, And on the margent of some limpid flood, Which by reflected moonlight darts a glance, In midnight circles range themselves and dance. To-morrow, cries he, will us entertain: Pray what`s to-morrow but to-day again? Deluded youth, no more the chase pursue, So oft deceived, no more the toil renew. But in a constant and a fix`d design Of acting well there is a lasting mine Of solid satisfaction, purest joy, For virtue`s pleasures never, never cloy: Then hither come, climb up the steep ascent, Your painful labour you will ne`er repent, From Heaven itself here you`re but one remove, Here`s the præludium of the joys above, Here you`ll behold the awful Godhead shine, And all perfections in the same combine; You`ll see that God, who, by his powerful call, From empty nothing drew this spacious all, Made beauteous order the rude mass control, And every part subservient to the whole; Here you`ll behold upon the fatal tree The God of nature bleed, expire, and die, For such as `gainst his holy laws rebel, And such as bid defiance to his hell. Through the dark gulf, here you may clearly pry `Twixt narrow Time and vast Eternity. Behold the Godhead just, as well as good, And vengeance pour`d on tramplers on his blood: But all the tears wiped from his people`s eyes, And, for their entrance, cleave the parting skies. Then sure you will with holy ardours burn, And to seraphic heats your passion turn; Then in your eyes all mortal fair will fade, And leave of mortal beauties but the shade; Yourself to him you`ll solemnly devote, To him, without whose providence you`re not; You`ll of his service relish the delight, And to his praises all your powers excite; You`ll celebrate his name in heavenly sound, Which well pleased skies in echoes will rebound; This is the greatest happiness that can Possessed be in this short life by man. But darkly here the Godhead we survey, Confined and cramped in this cage of clay. What cruel band is this to earth that ties Our souls from soaring to their native skies? Upon the bright eternal face to gaze, And there drink in the beatific rays: There to behold the good one and the fair, A ray from whom all mortal beauties are? In beauteous nature all the harmony Is but the echo of the Deity, Of all perfection who the centre is, And boundless ocean of untainted bliss; For ever open to the ravish`d view, And full enjoyment of the radiant crew Who live in raptures of eternal joy, Whose flaming love their tuneful harps employ In solemn hymns Jehovah`s praise to sing, And make all heaven with hallelujahs ring. These realms of light no further I`ll explore, And in these heights I will no longer soar: Not like our grosser atmosphere beneath, The ether here`s too thin for me to breathe. The region is unsufferable bright, And flashes on me with too strong a light. Then from the mountain, lo! I now descend, And to my vision put a hasty end.

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