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Henry King - AN ELEGY Upon my Best Friend L. K. C.Henry King - AN ELEGY Upon my Best Friend L. K. C.
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Should we our Sorrows in this Method range, Oft as Misfortune doth their Subjects change, And to the sev`ral Losses which befall, Pay diff`rent Rites at ev`ry Funeral; Like narrow Springs drain`d by dispersed Streams, We must want Tears to wail such various Themes, And prove defective in Deaths mournfull Laws, Not having Words proportion`d to each Cause. In your Dear loss my much afflicted Sense, Discerns this Truth by sad experience, Who never Look`d my Verses should survive, As wet Records, That you are not Alive; And less desir`d to make that Promise due, Which pass`d from Me in jest, when urg`d by You. How close and slily doth our Frailty work! How undiscover`d in the Body lurk! That Those who this Day did salute you well, Before the Next were frighted by your Knell. O wherefore since we must in Order rise, Should we not Fall in equal Obsequies? But bear th` Assaults of an uneven Fate, Like Feavers which their Hour anticipate; Had this Rule constant been, my long wish`d End Might render you a Mourner for your Friend: As He for you, whose most deplor`d surprise Imprints your Death on all my Faculties; That hardly my dark Phant`sie or Discourse, This final Duty from the Pen inforce: Such Influence hath your Eclipsed Light, It doth my Reason like my Self benight. Let me, with Luckless Gamesters, then think best (After I have Set up and Lost my Rest,) Grow`n desp`rate through mischance, to Venture last My whole remaining Stock upon a Cast, And flinging from me my now Loathed Pen, Resolve for your Sake nev`r to Write agen: For whilst Successive days their Light renew, I must no Subject hope to Equal you, In whose Heroick Brest as in their Sphear, All Graces of your Sex concentred were. Thus take I my long Farewell of that Art, Fit only glorious Actions to impart; That Art wherewith our Crosses we beguile, And make them in Harmonious numbers smile: Since you are gone, This holds no further use, Whose Virtue and Desert inspir`d my Muse. O may She in your Ashes Buried be, Whilst I my Self become the Elegie. And as it is observ`d when Princes Dye, In honour of that sad Solemnity, The now unoffic`d Servants crack their Staves, And throw them down into their Masters Graves: So this last Office of my broken Verse, I solemnly resign upon your Hearse; And my Brains moisture, all that is unspent, Shall melt to nothing at the Monument. Thus in moist Weather when the Marble weeps, You`l think it only his Tears reck`ning keeps, Who doth for ever to his Thoughts bequeath The Legacy of your lamented Death.

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