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France Preseren - The BaptismFrance Preseren - The Baptism
Work rating: Low

(an excerpt from the epic The Baptism at The Savica) The warring clouds have vanished from the skies; The war of men has ended with the night. The morning sun gilds the tree heads that rise Supreme above the Carniola`s snowpeaks white. The lake of Bohinj calm in stillness lies, No sign of strife remains to outward sight; Yet in the lake the fierce pike never sleep, nor other fell marauders of the deep. Is not this lake upon whose bank you stand, Brave Crtomir, the image of your soul? The clash of arms has ceased throughout the land, Yet in your breast the storms of war still roll. If aught of life`s dire ills I understand The eternal worm takes yet more deadly toll, Battens on lifeblood in its inner lair And reawakes the harpies of despair.

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