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Friedrich Holderlin - The NeckarFriedrich Holderlin - The Neckar
Work rating: Medium

My heart awakened to life in your valleys,   Your waves played around me.       And all of the fair hills that know you,         Wayfarer, are known to me as well. On those peaks the winds from the sky   Relieved me from pains of bondage,       And silver-blue waves shone forth from the valley,         Like the joy of life pouring out from a chalice. Mountain springs hurried down to you,   My heart with them, and you took us along       To the quietly splendid Rhine, down         To its cities and pleasant islands. The world seems to me yet beautiful, and my eyes   Search out with desire the charms of the earth,       To golden Paktolos, to Smyrna`s shores,           To Ilion`s woods.  How I`d like to Go ashore at Sunium, and ask for the silent road   To your pillars, Olympia!  Before age       And storm winds bury you as well         In the ruins of Athens` temples, Along with the statues of its gods.  For you   Have long stood alone, pride of a world       That no longer exists.  And the beautiful         Islands of Ionia, where sea air Cools the hot shores and rushes through the woods   Of laurel, when the sun warms the grapevines,       And, oh, where golden autumn changes         The sighs of the poor people into songs, When the pomegranate ripens, when the orange trees   Nod in a green night, and the gum trees drip       Resin, and drums and cymbals resound         To labyrinthine dances. Perhaps someday my guardian deity will bring me     To these islands, but even then my thoughts       Would remain loyal to the Neckar         With its lovely meadows and pastoral shores.

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