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Arthur Henry Adams - The Brave Days To Be.Arthur Henry Adams - The Brave Days To Be.
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I looked far in the future; down the dim Echoless avenue of silent years, And through the cold grey haze of Time I saw The fair fulfilment of my spacious dream. My Maoriland! she sat a new-crowned queen, Hilarious and radiant with youth, Superbly throned above a world of peace By the mere power of loveliness. She held No tribute lands that she had trampled on With pitiless foot of triumph; but she lay Alone, incomparable, complete, the one Untarnished blossom of the sterile sea, Thrusting her dazzling petal-peaks above A world of waving green. Her daughters fair Their hair a halo darkly clustering, Their rich brown cheeks brides to the southern sun Lifted their regal faces like a blaze Of summer blossoms swaying on lithe stems! Her sons a grove of slender saplings tall And sun-flecked, quivered with a joy all Greek To every passing breath of loveliness: Their forms were moulded with a supple might, Yet in their blood a subtle languor dreamed. Not theirs the hearts Titanic and the thews Of those who first a meagre sustenance tore From the reluctant soil, whose axe and torch To the grim depths of forest fastnesses Brought the parturient light. This was the time When all were children of a mother State, And for the common weal did common work; And all had freedom, for no man was free In thought or deed to do his neighbor scathe. This was the culminating noon, the crown Of Time, to which our leaders, rudely husked, But kernelled with a rich humanity Struggling, confused, with steps irresolute, Now crashing forward in a moment`s space Through barriers that a thousand grey-haired years With hands laborious had built; and now False paths retracing with a tardy step; Anon awaiting with a wearied hope More light, more light, to see the forward path; Brimming with pride and huge with selfishness, Yet with a patriot purpose burning deep And one great yearning hope unquenchable Had won their way! And while my lusty land Felt in her veins the triumphant sap, and heard The wonder of the Spring shout in her heart, Across the waters peering, chin in hand, A grey old crone mumbled the name that once Was Britain! Spent with mighty pasts her soil, And sodden with a hundred histories; Her old frame enervated with the pangs Of bearing progenies of giant men Who shackled the careering centuries To one small island`s name! The end had come. Upon her fallow fields huddled her brood Of teeming pigmies, craven beneath their pride; Too weak to wield the sword their fathers forged, Too rich to risk the shock of war. Like leaves In autumn winds, about their uncertain feet Their shrivelled greatness swept. And in that time My land was still unconquerably young Bland skies above and freedom in the air And in her children irresistibly This charm of surging youth swirled into song Supreme a strain to which the ancient globe Surrendered in still rapture. As I dreamed I heard that chorus of the future swell Above the clanging years. Within those songs The dreaming rivers of the yellow plains Rippled and rustled ever; and the creeks Through green-draped gullies of the listening bush Ran garrulous; and in the shadowed gorge The great tides, placid, imperturbable, Marched to the distant sea. The mountain peaks Struck proudly through the mists, and on their sides The sun a thousand changing colours flung Till in the eve they flamed like pennants far Above the flood of gloom; and pile on pile The massive ranges to the westward swept, With all the opulence of purple bush Imperial. At their feet the great lakes dreamed In august taciturnity, their robes Hemmed with the sullen blaze of rata-fire. Above, the silence of the forest hung A firmament with white clematis starred Where never cry of bird or beast rang out Piercing the tangle of the undergrowth, Save that afar a plaintive weka wailed, Or high upon some noble ancient tree, Moss-hung and creeper-broidered, all his soul A tui poured into one soft refrain. Out in the open by the swampy pools The army of the waving grasses went; First in the van the hosts of raupo reared Long lines of ruddy spears; close following The green ranks of the harekeke came; Lifting aloft their sullen flashing blades And sturdy bronze-brown standards; and, behind, The toi`s white battalions flaunted far Their dazzling banners and soft silver plumes; While gaunt and motionless upon the hill The naked cabbage-trees stood sentinel. And in the haggard country of the North Between the uncouth hills of manuka The white steam drifted like the dying breath Of some huge dragon overthrown. The earth Writhed with a scrofula of quivering sores; Her thick warm blood, exuding sluggishly, In pools of ugly reluctant bubbles oozed. Yet, like a poet wedded to his pain, Who, in a clogging body crucified, Binds his fierce heart-beats into spheral song, The troubled earth wove from her agonies Such fret-work fantasies of silica, Such wonders of ebullient steam, such pools Of quivering heat, such crater lakes that were Cool chalices uplifted, that the land About that mystic lake where like faint winds Old haunting legends drifted, sad with tears Was all an elemental epic wrought Of fire and earth and water. But alas! Over the isles a whispered story went A memory of vague laughter and of life Irrevocably mute, for ever mourned. From his high place the Maori, the erect Brown, sturdy efflorescence of the isles Had fallen. Nevermore the warriors Superb in pride of kingly thews, with spear And murdering mere through the shrinking land Imperiously strode; or with the tune Of even-plashing paddles woke to life The silent reaches of the dreaming fiords. And nevermore through nights perfumed with love Lay Hinemoa hidden, listening Amid the prattle of the troubled reeds, And heard across the lake the flute-song swell The token that Tutanekai was true. His race had lapsed and dwindled, withering In too luxurious a land of peace, And pining, like a frail transplanted flower, For those strong bracing winds of lust and war That were his life. Stifled in summer calm, He should have died in harness, fighting still; Hurling against the changing tide of things A word for endless war: like Rewi, when Erect amid the remnants of his tribe, Looming Titanic o`er his ruined world, He stood, and to his white foes` proffered peace His last defiant challenge proudly flung "We shall fight on; there shall no peace be made For ever and for ever and for ever!"

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