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Herman Melville - Jack RoyHerman Melville - Jack Roy
Work rating: Low

Kept up by relays of generations young Never dies at halyards the blithe chorus sung; While in sands, sounds, and seas where the   storm-petrels cry, Dropped mute around the globe, these halyard   singers lie. Short-lived the clippers for racing-cups that   run, And speeds in life`s career many a lavish   mother`s-son. But thou, manly king o` the old _Splendid`s_   crew, The ribbons o` thy hat still a-fluttering, should   fly-- A challenge, and forever, nor the bravery   should rue. Only in a tussle for the starry flag high, When `tis piety to do, and privilege to die. Then, only then, would heaven think to lop Such a cedar as the captain o` the _Splendid`s_   main-top: A belted sea-gentleman; a gallant, off-hand Mercutio indifferent in life`s gay command. Magnanimous in humor; when the splintering   shot fell, "Tooth-picks a-plenty, lads; thank `em with a   shell!" Sang Larry o` the _Cannakin,_ smuggler o` the   wine, At mess between guns, lad in jovial recline: "In Limbo our Jack he would chirrup up a   cheer, The martinet there find a chaffing mutineer; From a thousand fathoms down under hatches   o` your Hades, He`d ascend in love-ditty, kissing fingers to   your ladies!" Never relishing the knave, though allowing   for the menial, Nor overmuch the king, Jack, nor prodigally   genial. Ashore on liberty he flashed in escapade, Vaulting over life in its levelness of grade, Like the dolphin off Africa in rainbow   a-sweeping-- Arch iridescent shot from seas languid   sleeping. Larking with thy life, if a joy but a toy, Heroic in thy levity wert thou, Jack Roy.

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