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Francis Thompson - July FugitiveFrancis Thompson - July Fugitive
Work rating: Low

Can you tell me where has hid her   Pretty Maid July? I would swear one day ago   She passed by, I would swear that I do know   The blue bliss of her eye: `Tarry, maid, maid,` I bid her;   But she hastened by. Do you know where she has hid her,   Maid July? Yet in truth it needs must be   The flight of her is old; Yet in truth it needs must be,   For her nest, the earth, is cold. No more in the pool-ed Even   Wade her rosy feet, Dawn-flakes no more plash from them   To poppies `mid the wheat. She has muddied the day`s oozes   With her petulant feet; Scared the clouds that floated,   As sea-birds they were, Slow on the coerule   Lulls of the air, Lulled on the luminous   Levels of air: She has chidden in a pet   All her stars from her; Now they wander loose and sigh   Through the turbid blue, Now they wander, weep, and cry--   Yea, and I too-- `Where are you, sweet July,   Where are you?` Who hath beheld her footprints,   Or the pathway she goes? Tell me, wind, tell me, wheat,   Which of you knows? Sleeps she swathed in the flushed Arctic   Night of the rose? Or lie her limbs like Alp-glow   On the lily`s snows? Gales, that are all-visitant,   Find the runaway; And for him who findeth her   (I do charge you say) I will throw largesse of broom   Of this summer`s mintage, I will broach a honey-bag   Of the bee`s best vintage. Breezes, wheat, flowers sweet,   None of them knows! How then shall we lure her back   From the way she goes? For it were a shameful thing,   Saw we not this comer Ere Autumn camp upon the fields   Red with rout of Summer. When the bird quits the cage,   We set the cage outside, With seed and with water,   And the door wide, Haply we may win it so   Back to abide. Hang her cage of earth out   O`er Heaven`s sunward wall, Its four gates open, winds in watch   By rein-ed cars at all; Relume in hanging hedgerows   The rain-quenched blossom, And roses sob their tears out   On the gale`s warm heaving bosom; Shake the lilies till their scent   Over-drip their rims; That our runaway may see   We do know her whims: Sleek the tumbled waters out   For her travelled limbs; Strew and smoothe blue night thereon,   There will--O not doubt her!-- The lovely sleepy lady lie,   With all her stars about her!

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