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Francis Thompson - Any SaintFrancis Thompson - Any Saint
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His shoulder did I hold Too high that I, o`erbold       Weak one,   Should lean thereon. But He a little hath Declined His stately path       And my   Feet set more high; That the slack arm may reach His shoulder, and faint speech       Stir   His unwithering hair. And bolder now and bolder I lean upon that shoulder       So dear   He is and near: And with His aureole The tresses of my soul       Are blent   In wished content. Yes, this too gentle Lover Hath flattering words to move her       To pride   By His sweet side. Ah, Love! somewhat let be! Lest my humility       Grow weak   When thou dost speak! Rebate thy tender suit, Lest to herself impute       Some worth   Thy bride of earth! A maid too easily Conceits herself to be       Those things   Her lover sings; And being straitly wooed, Believes herself the Good       And Fair   He seeks in her. Turn something of Thy look, And fear me with rebuke,       That I   May timorously Take tremors in Thy arms, And with contriv-ed charms       Allure   A love unsure. Not to me, not to me, Builded so flawfully,       O God,   Thy humbling laud! Not to this man, but Man,-- Universe in a span;       Point   Of the spheres conjoint; In whom eternally Thou, Light, dost focus Thee!--       Didst pave   The way o` the wave; Rivet with stars the Heaven, For causeways to Thy driven       Car   In its coming far Unto him, only him; In Thy deific whim       Didst bound   Thy works` great round In this small ring of flesh; The sky`s gold-knotted mesh       Thy wrist   Did only twist To take him in that net.-- Man! swinging-wicket set       Between   The Unseen and Seen; Lo, God`s two worlds immense, Of spirit and of sense,       Wed   In this narrow bed; Yea, and the midge`s hymn Answers the seraphim       Athwart   Thy body`s court! Great arm-fellow of God! To the ancestral clod       Kin,   And to cherubin; Bread predilectedly O` the worm and Deity!       Hark,   O God`s clay-sealed Ark, To praise that fits thee, clear To the ear within the ear,       But dense   To clay-sealed sense. All the Omnific made When in a word he said,       (Mystery!)   He uttered THEE; Thee His great utterance bore, O secret metaphor       Of what   Thou dream`st no jot! Cosmic metonymy! Weak world-unshuttering key!       One   Seal of Solomon! Trope that itself not scans Its huge significance,       Which tries   Cherubic eyes. Primer where the angels all God`s grammar spell in small,       Nor spell   The highest too well. Point for the great descants Of starry disputants;       Equation   Of creation. Thou meaning, couldst thou see, Of all which dafteth thee;       So plain,   It mocks thy pain; Stone of the Law indeed, Thine own self couldst thou read;       Thy bliss   Within thee is. Compost of Heaven and mire, Slow foot and swift desire!       Lo,   To have Yes, choose No; Gird, and thou shalt unbind; Seek not, and thou shalt find;       To eat,   Deny thy meat; And thou shalt be fulfilled With all sweet things unwilled:       So best   God loves to jest With children small--a freak Of heavenly hide-and-seek       Fit   For thy wayward wit, Who art thyself a thing Of whim and wavering;       Free   When His wings pen thee; Sole fully blest, to feel God whistle thee at heel;       Drunk up   As a dew-drop, When He bends down, sun-wise, Intemperable eyes;       Most proud,   When utterly bowed. To feel thyself and be His dear nonentity--       Caught   Beyond human thought In the thunder-spout of Him, Until thy being dim,       And be   Dead deathlessly. Stoop, stoop; for thou dost fear The nettle`s wrathful spear,       So slight   Art thou of might! Rise; for Heaven hath no frown When thou to thee pluck`st down,       Strong clod!   The neck of God.

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