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Percy Bysshe Shelley - LovePercy Bysshe Shelley - Love
Work rating: Low

Why is it said thou canst not live In a youthful breast and fair, Since thou eternal life canst give, Canst bloom for ever there? Since withering pain no power possessed, Nor age, to blanch thy vermeil hue, Nor time`s dread victor, death, confessed, Though bathed with his poison dew, Still thou retain`st unchanging bloom, Fixed tranquil, even in the tomb. And oh! when on the blest, reviving, The day-star dawns of love, Each energy of soul surviving More vivid, soars above, Hast thou ne`er felt a rapturous thrill, Like June`s warm breath, athwart thee fly, O`er each idea then to steal, When other passions die? Felt it in some wild noonday dream, When sitting by the lonely stream, Where Silence says, `Mine is the dell`; And not a murmur from the plain, And not an echo from the fell, Disputes her silent reign.

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