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Emma Lazarus - OrpheusEmma Lazarus - Orpheus
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ORPHEUS. LAUGHTER and dance, and sounds of harp and lyre, Piping of flutes, singing of festal songs, Ribbons of flame from flaunting torches, dulled By the broad summer sunshine, these had filled Since the high noon the pillared vestibules, The peristyles and porches, in the house Of the bride`s father. Maidens, garlanded With rose and myrtle dedicate to Love, Adorned with chaplets fresh the bride, and veiled The shining head and wistful, girlish face, Ineffable sweetness of divided lips, Large light of clear, gray eyes, low, lucid brows, White as a cloud, beneath pale, clustering gold. When sunless skies uncertain twilight cast, That makes a friend`s face as an alien`s strange, Investing with a foreign mystery The dear green fields about our very home. Then waiting stood the gilded chariot Before the porch, and from the vine-wreathed door, Issued the white-veiled bride, while jocund youths And mænads followed her with dance and song. She came with double glory; for her lord, Son of Apollo and Calliope, Towered beside her, beautiful in limb And feature, as though formed to magic strains, Like the Bœotian city, that arose In airy structures to Amphion`s lute. The light serene shone from his brow and eyes, Of one whose lofty thoughts keep consonance With the celestial music of the spheres. His smile was fluent, and his speech outsang The cadences of soft-stringed instruments. He to the chariot led Eurydice, And these twain, mounting with their paranymph, Drove onward through the dusky twilit fields, Preceded by the nymphs and singing youths, And boys diffusing light and odors warm, With flaming brands of aromatic woods, And matrons bearing symbols of the life Of careful wives, the distaff and the sieve; And followed by the echoes of their songs, The fragrance crushed from moist and trodden grass, The blessing of the ever-present gods, Whom they invoked with earnest hymns and prayer. From Orpheus` portico, festooned with vines, Issued a flood of rare, ambrosial light, As though Olympian portals stood ajar, And Hymen, radiant by his torch`s flame, Mystic with saffron vest and purple, stood With hands munificent to greet and bless. Ripe fruits were poured upon the married pair Alighting, and the chariot wheels were burnt, A token that the bride returned no more Unto her father`s house. With step resolved, She crossed the threshold soft with flowers, secure That his heroic soul who guided her, Was potent and alert to grace her life, With noble outlines and ideal hues, Uplifting it to equal height with his. EPITHALAMIUM. TO ZEUS. Because thou art enthroned beyond our reach, Behind the brightest and the farthest star, And silence is as eloquent as speech, To thee who knowest us for what we are, We bring thee naught save brief and simple prayer, Strong in its naked, frank sincerity. Send sacred joys of marriage to this pair, With fertile increase and prosperity. Three nymphs had met beneath an oak that cast Cool, dappled shadow on the glowing grass, And liquid gleam of the translucent brook. The air was musical with frolic sounds Of feminine voices, and of laughter blithe. Patines of sunshine fell like mottled gold On the rose-white of bright bare limbs and neck, On flowing, snowy mantles, and again With sudden splendor on the gloriole Of warm, rich hair. The fairest nymph reclined Beneath the tree, and leaned her yellow head, With its crisp, clustering rings, against the trunk, And dipped her pure feet in the colorless brook, Stirring the ripples into circles wide, With cool, delicious plashings in the stream. Her young companions lay upon the grass, With indolent eyes half closed, and parted lips Half-smiling, in the languor of the noon. But suddenly these twain, arising, cried, Startled and sharply, "Lo, Eurydice, Behold!" and she, uplifting frightened eyes, Saw a strange shepherd watching with bold glance. Veiling their faces with their mantles light, Her sisters fled swift-footed, with shrill cries, Adown the meadow, but her wet feet clung To the dry grasses and the earthy soil. "Eurydice, I love thee! fear me not, For I am Aristæus, with gray groves Of hoary olives, and innumerous flocks, And precious swarms of yellow-vested bees." But she with sudden strength eluding him, Sprang o`er the flowery turf, with back-blown hair, And wing-like garments, shortened breath, and face Kindled with shame and terror. In her flight She ran through fatal flowers and tangled weeds, And thick rank grass beside a stagnant pool, When, with a keen and breathless cry of pain, Abrupt she fell amidst the tall, green reeds. Then Aristæus reached her, as a snake Crept back in sinuous lines amidst the slime. Desire was changed to pity, when he saw The wounded dryad in her agony Strive vainly to escape, repelling him With feeble arms. "Forgive me, nymph," he cried; " I will not touch, save with most reverent hands, Thy sacred form. But let me bear thee hence, And soothe thy bruise with healing herbs. "Too late, Leave me," she sighed, "and lead thou Orpheus here, That I may see him ere the daylight fails." He left her pale with suffering, —earth seemed strange Unto her eyes, who knew she looked her last On level-stretching meadows, hazy hills, And all the light and color of the sky. Brief as a dream she saw her happy life, Her father`s face, her mother`s blessed eyes, The hero who, unheralded, appeared, And all was changed,— all things put forth a voice, As in the season of the singing birds. She looked around revived, and saw again The lapsing river and abiding sky. Across the sunny fields came Aristæus, With Orpheus following,— and after these, Sad nymphs and heroes grave with sympathy. Quite calm she lay, and almost wished to die Before they reached her, if the throbbing pain Of limb and heart could only thus be stilled. But Orpheus hastened to her side, and mourned, "Eurydice, Eurydice! Remain, For there is no delight of speech nor song Among the dead. Will the gods jest with me, And call this life, which must forevermore Be but a void, a hunger, a desire, A stretching out of empty hands to grasp What earth nor sea nor heaven will restore? Is this the life that I conceived and sang, Rich with all noble opportunities And beautiful realities?" But she: "Brave Orpheus, search thou not the eternal gods, Surely they love us dearer than we know. Do thou refrain, for yet I hold my faith. When I am gone, thou still wilt have thy lyre; Love it and cherish,— it is Fate`s best gift, And with death`s clearer vision, I can see That in all ages men will be upraised Nearer to gods through this than through aught else. My death may but inspire a larger note, A passionate cadence to thy strain, which else Were not quite human, and thus incomplete. And with this thought I am content to die. Cease not to sing to me when I am gone; Thy voice will reach me in the farthest spheres, Or wake me out of silence. Now begin, That I may float on those celestial waves Into the darkness, as I oft have longed." ORPHEUS. Once in a wild, bright vision, came to me Beautiful music, luminous as morn, An effluence of light and rapture born, With eyes as full of splendor as the sea; Dazzling as youth, with pinions frail as air, Yet potent to uplift and soar as prayer. Again I see her, cypress in her wreath, Sad with all grave and tender mysteries; Tears in her unimaginable eyes, That look their first with wondering awe on Death. Never again, in all the after years, Will her lips laugh with utter mirthfulness; Nor the strange longing in her eyes grow less, Nor any time dispel their mist of tears. Yea, with new numbers she completes her strain, A song unsung before by gods or men; But she hath lost, ah! lost for evermore, The ringing note of joy ineffable, The high assurance proud, that all is well, The glad refrain that pealed from shore to shore. O lyre, thou hast done with joyous things, Triumphant ecstasies, exultant song; Of subtle pain, keen anguish, hopeless wrong, I fashion now another of thy strings, And strike thee with a strong hand passionate, Into a fuller music, adequate Unto a soul that seeks insatiably, With fond, illusive hope and faith divine; For through all ages will my soul seek thine, Eurydice, my lost Eurydice! What solace to lament with empty hands And smitten heart, above a mound of earth, Vivid with mockery of perpetual flowers, O`er one small urn that holds beneath its lid, With overmeasure, all the flameless dust And soulless ashes of our love? Yet this Was Orpheus` life, to mourn beside the grave, From his stringed lyre compelling wild response And thrilling intonation of his grief, That made the hearts of gnarled and knotty oaks Ache as with human sympathy, and rived The adamantine centre of the rock, And lured the forest beasts, and hushed the birds, Mavis and lark, while with wide, awful wings, The eagle shadowed his exalted brow. "Surely," he cried, "the senseless dust hears not, More than the burnt brand hears old natural sounds Innumerable rustle of young leaves. It cannot be that only these remain, The ashes of her glittering limbs, warm flesh, And blessed hair,— my love had more than these Where is the vital soul, that was to me An inspiration and an influence? The gods are not unstable like rash man, Aimlessly to create and discreate, With cruel and capricious fantasy, For thus the immaculate skies would be a lie; Eurydice is but withdrawn from me, And disembodied, while mine eyesight blinds, My senses are a hindrance, and obstruct The accurate perception of my soul. When mine own spirit, nightly disenthralled, Soars to the land of dreams, whose boundaries, By day, loom infinitely far and vague, And yet, at night, become our very home,— There still I see thee with the same bright form, The same auroral eyes that made for me Perpetual morning; and I stretch mine arms Hungering after thee, and, calling, wake Unto the vapid glare of languid dawn. Yet all these things address my very soul, Telling it that thou art not dead; for death Is but the incarnation of man`s fears; Gods do not recognize it. If thou art (As I have faith) in the known universe, Yea, though it be in the extremest land, Beyond the sunset, with its shining isles, I will go forth and seek thee, nor will cease To mourn thee and desire, till I have found." Thus Orpheus fared across the full-fed streams Of Hebrus and of Strymon, and beyond The purple outlines and aerial crags, Snow-glittering of Scardus, Rhodope, And grand Orbelus; through fair, fertile fields Of Thessaly with increase of ripe corn, Through Attica, Bœotia and Eubœa, And southward to the royal-citied state, Beautiful Corinth, throned upon the base Of green Acrocorinthus, whose soft slope Was dedicate with temples to the gods, And towering over all the sacred shrine Of Aphrodite. Upward from the town The mountain rose defensive, where the walls Of Corinth ended, and beyond the gates, The radiant plain of the Corinthian Gulf Stretched infinitely. Orpheus rested here, Till he bethought him to ascend the mount, With offerings at Aphrodite`s shrine— Not sanguine victims, but fresh myrtle wreath And faultless rose—to sue the oracle For help and guidance. All the town was still, The bright red band of sunrise lit the sky Above the dark blue gulf, and Orpheus heard A hundred birds saluting, from the brake, Aurora, and cool rush of waterfalls. Made murmurous music, while Athené breathed The vigor of the morning in his soul. Up the steep mountain side he passed, beyond The silver growth of olives, and the belt Of pines, to where the foam-white temple stood, Smitten at once by all the beams of morn. He saw the double peak, rose-white with snow And early sunshine, of Parnassus cleave The northern sky, and sacred Helicon Erect its head, crowned with the Muses` grove, The Bay of Crissa and Corinthian Gulf, Below flashed restless, and a path of gold Divided with clear, tremulous light the waves. From the large beauty of the morn, he went Into the holy limits of the shrine, With warm air heavy with the odorous rose. ORPHEUS. I put into my prayer to thee, O mother, The tumult and the passion of the ocean, The unflecked purity of winnowed foam-wreaths; To thee who sprang from these, the incarnation Of all the huge sea holds of grace or splendor, With its own light between thine amorous eyelids. For I, in thy most sacred cause a pilgrim, Have wandered tireless, from Thrace to Corinth, `Midst foreign scenes and alien men and women. And at my right hand Grief incessant follows, And at my left walks Memory with the semblance Of lost Eurydice`s ethereal beauty. Infatuate I gaze, until the vision Thrills me to madness, and I start and tremble, Remembering also Grief is my companion. Onward through spacious fields, by copious waters, Through purple growth of amaranth and crocus, And past the marble beauty of great cities, We three have journeyed,— strangers saw me reckless, And knew at once that I had walked with sorrow, And that the gods had chosen me their victim. Are all my carols useless, worse than useless? Shall my long pilgrimage, thus unrewarded, End at the blank, insuperable ocean? Hast thou no wise compassion, goddess, mother? In all the measureless years` unfathomed chances, Is the dear past to be repeated never? O supreme mother! crowned with blessed poppy As well as myrtle,— bring her here, or compass My soul with death, that elsewhere I may seek her. He ceased, and through the temple spread a mist Ambrosial, and above the shrine a star Serenely brightened, and a heavenly voice Made sweet response: " Love guides himself thy course To the last sea-girt rock. No worthy soul May ever truly seek, and fail to find." Still southward Orpheus journeyed, till he reached Cape Tænarus, the last bleak point of Greece, Desolate o`er an infinite waste of waves, While sunset lit the western sea and sky With yellow floods of warm, diffusive light, Kindling his serious face and earnest eyes, And glittering on his lyre. Long time he stood, And gazed upon the trouble of the waves, Expectant of a word, a sign— and still No answer made the wild, indifferent sea. Impetuous, he smote his quivering lyre To reckless and sonorous melody, Vibrating o`er the watery turbulence. Then far below its western bath, the sun Dipped and was gone, and all the sea was gray. Still through the air rang those imploring notes, Unutterably plaintive— till there came From out the ocean cave of Tænarus The shining forms of Oceanides, With myriad faces raised supremely fair, And myriad arms that beckoned as he sang. Behold! a stir amidst the frothing brine, As though upheaved by powers submarine, In implicate confusion, wave on wave, Then rose with windy manes and fiery eyes, Proudly careering, the immortal steeds, Bearing, within the shell-shaped car, the god Of august aspect and imperial port, With such profusion of ambrosial locks As curl around the very front of Zeus. He with benign regard the minstrel viewed, Then whirling thrice his massy trident, struck The scarpéd promontory with its fork. And Orpheus felt the solid basis yield, And heard the hollow rumbling, as when earth Rocks to her centre, and high hills spit flame. And lo! he stood before a sulphurous throne, Set in an open space, wherefrom there streamed Four rivers stagnant, black. Here Ades reigned, His very presence unto mortal sense Oppressive as low thunder in the air. The triple-headed guardian of his realm Crouched at his feet, and in the dismal murk, The hideous Harpies hovered o`er his head. The serpent-haired Eumenides stood near, Brow-bound with sanguine fillets, and the Fates Wielded the distaff, spindle, and sharp shears. The air was dense with noisome influence, And shadowy apparitions seemed to float Athwart the dusk. But on the infernal throne Conspicuous in beauty, by her lord, Persephone was seated. Wonderment Looked from her eyes, in seeing him, no god, Who came before his time among the dead, Unarmed with spear or shield, a glistening lyre Nigh slipping from the loose grasp of his hands. "Who comes unsummoned to my realm?" began The baleful godhead in discordant tones, Widely reverberant; and the low, clear voice Of Orpheus answered: "One who would remain, If but the impotent body could be free To follow the desires of the soul,— Orpheus, an unskilled singer." "Birth and death Are preordained for thee, presumptuous man. What narrow space of time the Fates accord, `Twould best become thee to bear worthily, With dignity, and leave the rest to them, The end as the beginning." "Plead for me, O beautiful Persephone, behold! Eurydice was snatched with violent hand From out mine eager arms, and I have sought Her image o`er the peopled earth in vain." Then she: "I may not summon her, nor hope To swerve the haughty purpose of my lord. With influence of thy familiar voice, If thou canst touch her spirit, she is thine." But Ades: "Who recalls the dead by prayer? They whose calm souls are once possessed by death, Find such a solid joy in grasping firm, After life`s phantasms, this reality, That wisdom, grief, nor love persuadeth them Their liberated spirits to confine With fleshly limitations. Nathless sing,— And prove life`s glittering evanescence vain, Outweighed by death`s sublime security." ORPHEUS. I render thanks, eternal gods, that ye Empower myself to call Eurydice. Man only can fulfill his own desire; And if I fail, the sorrow rests with me. Ye give what we deserve; I pray alone Ne`er to be cursed with what I have not won. And to whom else would I intrust my lyre, This supreme invocation to intone? But in myself I feel the love, the power, The lyric inspiration, while the flower Of all my life brings forth its proper fruit, In this my loftiest, most godlike hour. If I could make ye feel the agony Of the strong man, O gods, condemned to see The light fail from dear eyes, the white lips mute, The elusive soul take flight eternally To where we cannot follow it nor find, With the most subtle searchings of the mind, With the most passionate longings of the soul, Deaf, unresponsive as the empty wind; Then would your pity as your power be, `Twould crown us all with immortality, And grace us with completeness, make us whole, Worthy to be the peers of deity. For we are mighty now to slay and bless, Yea, gifted with strange strength of steadfastness, To conquer bodiless and viewless foes Within ourselves, yet in our helplessness, As children, in the presence of this Death, Whom nor revolt nor patience conquereth, Implacable, with grim mouth fastened close, That with no hope our anguish answereth. Resound with wildest utterance, O my lyre; Let each note be a living flame of fire, To reach her, to burn through her, to compel, Strong with the infinite strength of my desire. I am no god, yet Fate, Eurydice, A goddess for my slave hath given me,— Immortal Music, pure, ineffable; And I send her, my handmaid, after thee. If all wherein I put my faith as sure, Be not delusions vain which death will cure; If the sublime reliance of the soul On her own powers be no empty lure, Whereat the high gods laugh in bitter scorn; If what I have achieved and what forborne, Will lead me nearer to a worthy goal, If all life`s promises be not forsworn,— Eurydice, appear! Before mine eyes, O gods, I see a formless essence rise, That moulds itself unto the music`s beat, Appareled in the glory of the skies. Now, while I ring a more celestial tone, The spirit more divinely bright hath grown, To larger modulations, strains complete, The white limbs from the shapeless mist are won, As from the bosom of a summer cloud, Wherewith a goddess would her semblance shroud. Is this mine own creation? Is it truth, That with warm life I have blank air endowed? The soft cloud parts asunder,— yea, `tis she! Once more the face that was my star I see, Crowned with the beauty of immortal youth, Eurydice, my lost Eurydice! Silent beside his silent, fallen lyre, The singer stood, and clasped her in his arms, Gazing upon this pale, fair face as one Whose heart`s supreme desire is satisfied. "Is not this hour the hour I have foreseen, Through all obstructions and infirmities Of my mortality, and is it not More glorious in fruition than I dreamed! Yea, I have dreamed it all, eternal gods, Even as now have pressed her to my heart With the same clinging effort to retain, And seen this breathing form, these lucent eyes Vivid as now, instinct with life and love. Yet have I waked to chill discouragement, To vacant disappointment, and the sense Of aching, unassuaged desire. O speak, For in my dreams I never hear thy voice, Save veiled and indistinct, a mockery Of the old limpid music. Speak to me: Thy flesh is warm, thy heart beats close to mine, Thine upturned face is wet with human tears; O speak to me,— lest I should wake again To barren fields and empty skies of Thrace." Then in low, natural tones, Eurydice: "Thy voice hath reached me in the farthest spheres, And waked me out of silence." "Follow me,— It is thyself,— if I must wake from this, `Twill be to death or madness. Follow me, From darkness palpable, to earth, to light Of ample skies, and freshness of blown grass And rolling waters." "Hold!" the jarring voice Of Ades interposed: "`Tis excellent The attribute we gave thee, to convert To such a weapon as may overcome The old hereditary foes of man, Sleep, death, corruption, and necessity. But to reveal thyself the peer of gods, Not only through inspired ecstasy, But through a continent persistency, This never was accomplished by thy race, And thou must yet be tried. This soul is thine, For thou hast won her from the jaws of Hell; Yea, she may follow thee as free as light,— Lead thou the way and charm the hostile fiends. Look forward ever; if thine eyes revert But once to gaze on her, to reassure Unworthy fears, or sate a mean desire, Thou art not mate for us. She will dissolve To empty air —never to be recalled. ORPHEUS. Back to the vital earth, O follow me, Regained Eurydice. To rippling well-heads and to sunlit plains, Greened by soft wash of rains. See orchards rosy with prolific bloom, And vineyards` purple gloom. Lulled by the languid flow of lilied streams, There will I sing my dreams. Behold! I chant a hymn of adoration, Triumphant exultation, For I can see, in all the universe, No error and no curse. The gods have naught withheld, in power and sway, From him who will obey Their own divine and everlasting laws. Above the world`s applause, As vigorous as morning, he can rise, Wrest the desired prize From the clenched hands of Nemesis and Fate. With victory elate, I chant unmitigated prayer and praise To gods who part our ways, Seeing `midst clamorous change incredible, That all is ordered well. In more harmonious strains, O lyre, express My twice-born happiness; Yea, utter and translate with larger sense My rich experience, That makes complete life`s solemn threnody Joy unalloyed and free, Grief unexampled, victory at last, When strife is overpast. Through pathways hedged with horrors still they fared Invulnerable. Darkness stayed them not, Nor yet more dreadful light, revealing oft The hideous fiends who rose on every side, Huge shapes of ill, to gaze upon the twain. A Greek, who, fleeing, smote a vibrant lyre, That chimed to carols more divinely quired Than those that fill with ravishment a grove, Misty with moonlight, where the plain brown bird Makes midnight vocal. Closely following him, A woman with grave aspect, parted lips, Upraising, in enthralléd ecstasy, Large eyes serene, fulfilled with holier light For having pierced beyond the boundaries Of time and of mortality. The day Shone through the murk at last, and filled their path With dusky sunbeams; and far-stretching fields Of soft, delicious green, and crystal skies, Encouraged them; all perils past save one. But a black, stagnant river crawled along, Spanned by no bridge, and ferried by no sail, With muddy tide between the day and them. And Orpheus with enamored eyes passed on, And saw not how the loathsome waters crept, Nor how his magic song enchanted them To solid substance; but he missed at once The footsteps light that had inspired his lay. Impetuous he turned to reassure His fearful soul, and sate his hungry eyes; But as he turned, the inspiration fled, His lips refused to frame the fruitless words, His eyes beheld,—O gods! Eurydice Removed already far away from him, By all the wide-expanded space, between Our loftiest dream and our unworthy deed. She gazed with no reproachful glance nor tears, And Orpheus felt himself beneath her, fall, Momently down from empyreal heights, And lo! he stood within the fields of Thrace, On earth familiar, `neath familiar skies, And heard a voice float through the shining air, From unimaginable distances, Faint as a dream, "Farewell, farewell, farewell." "Woe! woe! what lamentations may express The fullness of my new calamity! I, overbearing, who presumed to reach The lordly and severe stability Of the immortals, whom may I invoke? To whom may man appeal when he hath failed Unto himself? What god will interpose To thwart invincible necessity? Lost, lost forever! I stood elevate, For one brief moment dreaming I had won The skill and power of true divinity. Gods! with what lofty and superb disdain Ye must look down on mine unworthy haste,— Ye, who with grandeur of sublime repose, And majesty of patience, still abide Invariable through eternity! Alas! my mighty visions were to me Auspicious omens, and they fed my heart With vigor and encouragement; but now, This was no dream; for Hope, full-flushed and fair, Born, like the freshness of auroral dew, From unseen air, and traceless vanishing, Consorts not with this mighty goddess, Truth, With solemn and unfathomable eyes, For Truth is one with Death and Destiny. With what a depth of meaning didst thou turn, For the last time, to me, Eurydice, A glory `midst the darkness, with that glance Of infinite compassion, hands outstretched, As if to save the from mine own defect. With what humiliation and despair I saw thee rising unattainably!— The vault, the stream accursed had disappeared; I was in Thrace uplooking to the sky. O, to what harmonies I might have wed The blessed tidings which all men await! Now I can only make my song express A distant echo, a suggestion vague, Of the serene contentment of thy voice. Sing this, my lyre, that all who hark to thee With an attentive and a gentle ear, May hear the promise, faint and yet assured, Recall the grace and the deliciousness Of immortality, and strive anew Towards the ideal unattained by me, Yet still accessible to stronger souls." Thus Orpheus, when the first wild burst of woe Had passed; no need to seek her now; No need to wander o`er the peopled earth. Was he in truth a victim of the gods, Or rather with a fairer fortune blest Than happier men, selected for a fate Divinely tragical, that he might know The fullness of a life`s experience, And find expression adequate for all, Simple as wisdom, and as dignified As silence? From his kind he lived apart, As one who cherishes a grief, nor seeks Forgetfulness nor comfort; elevate To glittering eminence by destiny, And lonely through the privacy of woe Beyond the reaches of man`s sympathy. Where lucid Hebrus bathes its golden sands, He sat discoursing gracious harmonies, Amidst the morning fields, when on his ears Sounded with horrid dissonance the clang Of smitten cymbals and the throb of drums. But still the revelers remained unseen, Till, rounding suddenly a neighboring hill, The whole mad troop came dancing into sight. First marched a jovial bacchanal, who bore A crystal vessel, decked with branching vine, Then youth and nymphs with ivy chapleted, In purfled raiment of hues delicate, With mitres, thyrsi, cymbals, drums and flutes, Some balancing upon their graceful heads, Regal with crisp-curled gold, their burdens light Of baskets heaped with figs and dusky grapes. And `midst them all the sacrificial goat, Adorned with berries. Thus the festal throng, With wanton gestures, and with antic bounds, And wild embracings, mad with wine, approached, With peals of laughter, echoing faintly back From jocund hill to hill, and lusty shouts Of "Bacché, Bacché!" SONG. With wassail all the night, Celestial Bacchus, we have worshipped thee! With riotous revel and with festal wine. Still on the hills in early morning light, With frolic dances and brisk jollity, Our hymns of praise are thine. For we have seen thee, god! The fawn-skin slipping from thy shoulder bare, Thy gestures lithe and loose, thine eyes that shine, Thy rosy hands that waved a clustered rod Of uncrushed grapes, and thine ambrosial hair, Dripping with myrrh and wine. Thou art not strict, severe, Like loftier gods and ruthless goddesses, Implacable like Pallas, Zeus, or Truth; But to humanity akin and near, Eager for folly, and the luxuries Of lustful health and youth. This crystal-vialed balm, Divinely brewed, soothing as Lethe`s streams, Is the most generous gift of Deity, Informing us with soft oblivion calm Of Death and Fate, with joys beyond the dreams Of grave sobriety. Come, let us drink again. Resound, O timbrels, and thou bird-voiced flute; Thyrsus and pipes make shrill and dear acclaim, To Bacchus, who impurples hill and plain With vineyards bursting with increase of fruit, Subtle as liquid flame. Œoë! quaff and sing! Who drinks no more, offends the deity Of Bacchus! lo on Hebrus` grassy brink, A minstrel sits, with gold lute glistening, Marring our rites with stern solemnity, Who doth not chant nor drink. Ho! Orpheus, laugh again, From mirthful heart, and join our happy throng; Cease to lament with unappeased desire. We bring a cordial for all grief and pain. Add to the choral strain thy siren song, And thine enchanted lyre. For Fate hath answered thee With cold derision; Death respondeth not. Here is a god who soothes tire soul and sense With sweet nepenthe,—thy Eurydice Thou wilt not lure to earthly grove nor grot With suasive eloquence. Here, nymphs no whit less fair Are waiting thee, with warm, caressing arms And loving eyes, lips fit for gods to kiss, And rosy shoulders, dimpling white and bare,— Pliant and graceful, with innumerous Charms, To sate thy heart with bliss. ORPHEUS. Hence, thou ignoble throng! Dare ye profane the splendid purity, The high nobility of morn, with rites Lewd and disgusting, and delirious song, Completing in dear sunshine, shamelessly, Rude orgies of wild nights? BACCHANTES. Ha! he insults the god, With his presumptuous and impious scorn. Avenge, O bacchanals, the cause divine; Compel him with the sacred cup and rod, To quaff his salutation to the morn, In frothing, Massic wine! ORPHEUS. Mad bacchanals, begone! I honor all the gods and Nemesis. They favor not such frantic revelry, But blameless lives, and deeds most like their own, The service of a patient heart submiss, And staunch integrity. Behold the morning hills, Sky-kissed Libethra, delicate as air; The fragile grasses gray with wreaths of dew. Hark to the tumbling of the mountain rills To Eos and Athene your first prayer And sacrifice are due. BACCHANTES. With shameless blasphemy, He dares proscribe, O god, thy rank and fame. Enough! enough! he hath despised us long, Bewailing his beloved Eurydice. O nymphs, avenge yourselves in Liber`s name, Slay him `midst dance and song. Your deadly javelins fling With flinty missiles at the singer proud, Who deems himself an equal of the gods, Because he hath the skill to pipe and sing, With facile fluency of speech endowed. Smite him with spears and rods. ORPHEUS. Ring forth, my lyre, again,— With magic harmonies my doom avert, In tones as plaintive and as rich as life. BACCHANTES. Our stones and javelins we have hurled in vain; His lyre enchants them, he remains unhurt, `Midst all the wrath and strife. Toss the loud tambourine, Its tight-drawn skin with noisy fingers smite; Clash ye the cymbals, sing with fatal art; Cast ye his sundered limbs the stream within,— They irritate us, soft and bare and white; Rend them, O nymphs, apart. ORPHEUS. Sweet Death, deliver me Out of the reach of envy, lust, and hate; Enfold me in thy large-embracing arms. BACCHANTES. Ah! will he now invoke Eurydice, Madly resisting his allotted fate With vile, unhallowed charms? So with a clamorous swell Of drums and timbrels, we o`erpower the breath Of dulcet and persuasive melody. ORPHEUS. The maniacs conquer! O my lyre, farewell! Approach, thou beautiful and welcome Death, With lost Eurydice.

The script ran 0.009 seconds.