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Edward Dyson - Weeping WillieEdward Dyson - Weeping Willie
Work rating: Low

Whey our trooper hit wide water every     heart was yearin` back To the little `ouse at Coogee or a hut at Bar-     renjack. She was `ookin` up to spike the stars, or rootin`     in the wave, An` me liver turned a hand spring with each     buck the beggar gave. Then we pulls a sick `n` silly smile `n` tips a     saucy lid, Crackin` hardy. Willie didn`t. Willie     snivelled like a kid. At Gallip` the steamer dumped us, `n` we got     right down to work, Whoopin` up the hill splendacious, playin`     tiggie with the Turk. When the stinkin` Abdul hit us we curled     down upon a stone, `N` we yelled for greater glory, crackin` `ardy     on our own. Not so Willie. He was cursin`, cold ez death     `n` grey ez steel, `N` the smallest thing that busted made the     little blighter squeal. In the bitter day`s that follered, spillin` life be-     side the sea, We would fake a spry expression for the things     that had to be, Always dressin` up the winder, crackin` `ardy     though we felt Fearful creepy in the whiskers, very cold be-     neath the belt. But his jills would sniff `n` shiver in the mother     of a fright, `N` go blubberin` `n` quakin` out to waller in     the fight. In the West we liked the weather, `n` we fat-     tened in the mud, Crackin` `ardy, stewed together, rats an`     slurry men `n` blood. Weepin` Willie wouldn`t have it these was     pleasin` things abed, `N` he shuddered in his shimmy if they passed     him with the dead. When he cried about his mother, in a gentle     voice he`d tell Them as dumb-well didn`t like it they could go     to sudden `ell. There was nothin` sweet for Willie in a rough-     up in the wet; But if all things scared him purple, not a thing     had stopped him yet. If some chaps was wanted urgent special dirty     work to do Willie went in with a shudder, but he alwiz     saw it through. Oh, a busy little body was our Willie in a     crush! Then he`d cry out in the night about the faces     in the slush. Well they pinked him one fine mornin` with     a thumpin` `unk iv shell; Put it in `n` all across him. What he was     you couldn`t tell. I saw him stitched `n` mended where he     whimpered in his bed, `N` he`d on`y lived because he was afraid to     die, he said. Sez he “Struth, they`re out there fightin`,     trimmin` Boshes good `n` smart, While I`m bedded here `n` `elpless. It fair     breaks a feller`s `eart.” But he came again last Tuesday `-n` we go it     in a breath— “London`s big `n` black `n` noisy. It would     scare a bloke to death.” He`s away now in the trenches, white `n`     nervous, but, you bet, Playin` lovely `ands of poker with his busy     bay-o-net, `Fraid of givin` `n` of takin`, `fraid of gases,     `fraid of guns— But a champion lightweight terror to the gor-     forsaken `Uns!

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