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Mary Darby Robinson - Sir Raymond of the CastleMary Darby Robinson - Sir Raymond of the Castle
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[The following little Poems are written after the Model of the Old English Ballads, and are inscribed to those who admire the simplicity of that kind of versification.] NEAR GLARIS, on a mountain`s side,  Beneath a shad`wy wood, With walls of ivy compass`d round,  An ancient Castle stood. By all rever`d, by all ador`d,  There dwelt a wealthy dame; One peerless daughter bless`d her age,  A maid of spotless fame ! While one fair son, a gallant boy,  Whose VIRTUE was his shield, Led on the dauntless sons of war,  Amidst the crimson`d field: For o`er the land dissension reign`d  Full many a direful year, And many a heart`s best blood had stain`d  The proud oppressor`s spear. Young ELLA`S charms had spread her fame  O`er all the country wide; And youths of high descent and brave,  Had sought her for their bride ! Amongst the rest SIR RAYMOND came,  Sprung from a princely race; Right valiant in each warlike art,  And blest with ev`ry grace ! In tournaments renown`d afar,  For manly feats admir`d; His brilliant fame, his bold exploits,  The damsel`s bosom fir`d. Her blushing cheek, her down-cast eye  Her secret flame confess`d; The gallant RAYMOND`S circling arm,  The beauteous ELLA press`d. From her fond mother`s doating eyes  The radiant gem he bore; The weeping maids and village swains  Beheld her charms no more. Where the swift billows of the RHINE  Their shining curls disclose; With many a gilded turret crown`d  His splendid Palace rose. The festive scene had scarce began,  When near the Castle wall, A messenger of warlike mein,  On RAYMOND`S name did call; "Come forth thou valiant Knight," he said,  "Thy prowess quickly show, With speed prepare thy lance and shield  To meet the dauntless foe: "The blood of many a noble Swiss  Doth stain the country round, And many a brave aspiring youth  Lies vanquish`d on the ground. "The daring Chief, whose shining spear  With purple gore is dy`d; Oh ! direful news, prepare to meet  THE BROTHER OF THY BRIDE." Enrag`d, the haughty RAYMOND cried,  "Base wretch receive thy doom, For thy bold errand thou shalt die  Within a dungeon`s gloom." Speechless the mournful ELLA stood,  Despair her heart did wound; When from the echoing tow`r she heard,  Th` larum-bell`s dreadful sound! Her cold wan cheek, her quiv`ring lip,  Bespoke her soul`s deep woe, From her blue eye the crystal drop  In silent grief did flow, "For shame, shake off those woman`s tears,"  The frowning bridegroom cried, "And know, SIR RAYMOND`S warlike breast  Disdains a timid bride. "In vain you weep, ignoble dame,  Behold yon neighing steed; My soldiers wait, my bosom burns  TO CONQUER or to BLEED." Forth went the Knight;­the frantic bride  To the high rampart flew; With trembling knee she climb`d the wall,  Th` embattled plain to view. On either side, by turns she thought  Proud vict`ry grac`d the field; `Till vanquish`d by her BROTHER`S sword,  She saw her HUSBAND yield. For refuge to his Castle gate,  The bleeding warrior flew; And from the battlements on high,  His daring gauntlet threw ! Three days from dawn to setting sun,  The hardy soldiers stood, `Till faint with toil, by famine press`d,  They saw their chief subdu`d. "Oh! haste my page," SIR RAYMOND said,  "The captive youth set free, And bid him to the conqu`rer`s feet  This message bear from me. "Treasures immense of massy gold,  Rich gems, and jewels rare, As ransom will I freely give,  If he our lives will spare; "If he consents, let garlands green  His peaceful brows adorn; If hostile yet, beneath our walls,  Thrice sound his bugle horn." Gaily he pass`d the outward gate;  But sadly he return`d; His bugle horn he sounded thrice,  —No wreath his brows adorn`d. "Thy gold" he cried " the conqu`ror scorns,  He claims thy forfeit LIFE, Thy precious gems, and jewels rare,  He gives thy beauteous wife." "Your lands are free, your soldiers too,  And for young ELLA`S sake To prove his truth, the gen`rous chief  This solemn vow did make:" "That whatsoe`er she holds most dear,  At morrow`s dawn of day: Her pages, to some distant place,  May safely bear away;" At dawn of light fair ELLA came,  Fresh as the rose of May; SIR RAYMOND in a chest of gold,  Her pages bore away ! She pass`d the gate with throbbing heart,  She pass`d the ranks among; The praises of her peerless charms,  Fell fast from ev`ry tongue ! "Halt, halt," they cried, "right noble dame,  `Tis fit we should behold Whether thy coffer ought contains  But gems and messy gold;" "O stay me not ye gallant youths,  For soon it shall appear; This burnish`d coffer doth contain  ALL THAT I HOLD MOST DEAR !" "Take heed, my Brother, ah, take heed,  Nor break thy sacred word; Nor let thy kinsman`s blood degrade  The glories of thy sword !" The Hero smil`d­fair ELLA`S cheek  Glow`d with vermilion dye; Fear chill`d her heart, the starting tear  Stood trembling in her eye. Subdu`d, abash`d, her brother flew  And clasp`d her to his breast, Then with an angel`s pitying voice,  The vanquish`d chief address`d: "Come forth SIR RAYMOND, valiant knight,  Behold thy peerless wife; Receive thy sword, and from HER hand  Accept thy forfeit life. "Here shall the bloody contest end,  Let peace o`erspread the land; More homage than the conqueror`s sword  CAN BEAUTY`S TEARS COMMAND!"

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