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Mary Darby Robinson - Sonnet XXXIV: Venus! To TheeMary Darby Robinson - Sonnet XXXIV: Venus! To Thee
Work rating: Low

Venus! to thee, the Lesbian Muse shall sing, The song, which Myttellenian youths admir`d, when Echo, am`rous of the strain inspir`d, Bade the wild rocks with madd`ning plaudits ring! Attend my pray`r! O! Queen of rapture! bring To these fond arms, he, whom my soul has fir`d; From these fond arms remov`d; yet, still desir`d, Though love, exulting, spreads his varying wing! Oh! source of ev`ry joy! of ev`ry care Blest Venus! Goddess of the zone divine! To Phaon`s bosom, Phaon`s victim bear; So shall her warmest, tend`rest vows be thine! For Venus, Sappho shall a wreath prepare, And Love be crown`d, immortal as the Nine!

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