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Mary Darby Robinson - Stanzas to FloraMary Darby Robinson - Stanzas to Flora
Work rating: Low

LET OTHERS wreaths of ROSES twine With scented leaves of EGLANTINE; Enamell`d buds and gaudy flow`rs, The pride of FLORA`S painted bow`rs; Such common charms shall ne`er be wove Around the brows of him I LOVE.  Fair are their beauties for a day, But swiftly do they fade away; Each PINK sends forth its choicest sweet AURORA`S warm embrace to meet; And each inconstant breeze, that blows, Steals essence from the musky ROSE.  Then lead me, FLORA, to some vale, Where, shelter`d from the fickle gale, In modest garb, amidst the gloom, The constant MYRTLE sheds perfume; And hid secure from prying eyes, In spotless beauty BLOOMS and DIES.  And should its velvet leaves dispense No pow`rful odours to the sense; Should no proud tints of gaudy hue, With dazz`ling lustre pain the view; Still shall its verdant boughs defy The northern blast, and wintry sky.  AH, VENUS ! should this hand of mine Steal from thy tree a wreath divine, Assist me, while I fondly bind Two Hearts, by holy FRIENDSHIP join`d; Thy cherish`d branches then shall prove, Sacred to TRUTH, as well as LOVE.

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