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Mary Darby Robinson - A Fragment, Supposed To Be Written Near The Temple, On The Night Before The Murder Of Louis The SixtMary Darby Robinson - A Fragment, Supposed To Be Written Near The Temple, On The Night Before The Murder Of Louis The Sixt
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Now Midnight spreads her sable vest With starry rays light tissued o`er; Now from the Desart`s thistled breast The chilling dews begin to soar; The owl shrieks from the tott`ring tow`r, Dread watch bird of the witching hour!         Spectres from their charnel cells         Cleave the air with hideous yells!         Not a glow-worm ventures forth,         To gild his little speck of earth!     In wild despair Creation seems to wait, While Horror stalks abroad to deal the shafts of Fate!         To yonder damp and dreary cave,         From black Oblivion`s silent wave,         Borne on Desolation`s wings,         Death his poison`d chalice brings!         Wide beneath the turbid sky         Red Rebellion`s banners fly,         Sweeping to her iron den         The agonizing hearts of men:         There in many a ghastly throng,         Blood-stain`d myriads glide along,     While each above his crest a falchion rears, Imbu`d with tepid gore, or drench`d in scalding tears!         Beneath yon tow`r (whose grated cell         Entombs the fairest child of earth,         August in misery as in birth),         The troops of Pandemonium dwell!         Night and day the fiends conspire         To glut their desolating ire!         Ire! that feeds on human woe;         That smiling deals the murd`rous blow!         And as the helpless victim dies,         Fills with shouts the threat`ning skies;     Nor trembles, lest the vengeful light`ning`s glare Should blast their recreant arms, and scatter them to air!         Round the deep entrenchments stand         Bold Ambition`s giant band;         Beneath, insidious Malice creeps.         And keen Revenge—that never sleeps!         While dark Suspicion hovers near,         Stung by the dastard scorpion—Fear!         Reason, shrinking from her gaze,         Flies the scene in wild amaze!         While trembling Pity dies to see         The barb`rous sons of Anarchy     Drench their unnatural hands in regal blood, While patriot Virtue sinks beneath the whelming flood.         Hark! the petrifying shriek         Issues from yon turret bleak!         The lofty tower returns the sound,         Echoing through its base profound!         The rising Moon with paly light         Faintly greets the aching sight         With many a gliding centinel,         Whose shadow would his sense appall!         Whose soul convuls`d with conscious woe,         Pants for the morning`s purple glow—     The purple glow that cheers his breast, And gives his startled mind a short-liv`d hour of rest.         But when shall morn`s effulgent light         The hopeless sufferer`s glance invite?         When shall the breath of rosy day         Around the infant victims play?         When will the vivifying orb         The tears of widow`d love absorb?         See! see! the palpitating breast,         By all the weeping Graces drest,         Now dumb with grief—now raving wild,         Bending o`er each with`ring child,     The only treasures spared by savage ire, The fading shadows of their murdered sire.         Oh! Fancy, spread thy pow`rful wing,         From Hell`s polluted confines spring—         Quit, quit the cell where Madness lies!         With wounded breast and starting eyes!         Ruthless fiends have done their worst,         They triumph in the deed accurs`d!         See her veil Oblivion throws,         O`er the last of human woes;         The royal stole, with many a crimson stain,         Closes from every eye the scene of pain,     While from afar the war song dins the ear, And drowns the dying groan which Angels weep to hear!

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