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Mary Darby Robinson - The Faded BouquetMary Darby Robinson - The Faded Bouquet
Work rating: Low

FAIR was this blushing ROSE of May,  And fresh it hail`d morn`s breezy hour, When ev`ry spangled leaf look`d gay,  Besprinkled with the twilight show`r; When to its mossy buds so sweet,  The BUTTERFLY enamour`d flew, And hov`ring o`er the fragrant treat,  Oft bath`d its silken wings in dew. SWEET was this PRIMROSE of the dale,  When on its native turf it grew; And deck`d with charms this LILY pale,  And rich this VIOLET`S purple hue; This od`rous WOODBINE fill`d the grove  With musky gales of balmy pow`r; When with the MYRTLE interwove  It hung luxuriant round my bow`r. AH ! ROSE, forgive the hand severe,  That snatch`d thee from thy scented bed; Where, bow`d with many a pearly tear,  Thy widow`d partner droops its head; And thou, sweet VI`LET, modest flow`r,  O! take my sad, relenting sigh; Nor stain the breast whose glowing pow`r,  With too much fondness bade thee die. SWEET LILY had I never gaz`d  With rapture on your gentle form; You might have dy`d, unknown, unprais`d,  The victim of some ruthless storm; Where fickle LOVE his altar rears,  Your little bells had learnt to wave; Or sadly gemm`d with kindred tears,  Had deck`d some hapless MAIDEN`s grave. Inconstant WOODBINE, wherefore rove  With gadding stem about my bow`r? Why, with my darling MYRTLE wove,  In bold defiance mock my pow`r? Why quit thy native, lonely vale,  To flaunt thy buds, thy odours fling; And idly greet the passing gale,  On ev`ry wanton zephyr`s wing? Yet, yet, repine not, tho` stern FATE  Hath nipp`d thy leaves of varying hue; Since all that`s lovely, soon or late,  Shall sick`ning, fade,­and die like you. The fire of YOUTH­the frost of AGE,  Nor WISDOM S voice­nor BEAUTY`S bloom, Th` insatiate tyrant can assuage,  Or stop the hand that seal`d YOUR DOOM.

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