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Mary Darby Robinson - To SimplicityMary Darby Robinson - To Simplicity
Work rating: Low

[Inscribed to Lady Duncannon.] SWEET blushing Nymph, who loves to dwell  In the dark forest`s silent gloom; Who smiles within the Hermit`s cell,  And sighs upon the rustic`s tomb; Who, pitying, sees the busy throng,  The slaves of fashion`s giddy sway; Who in a wild and artless song,  Warbles the feath`ry hours away. Oft have I flown thy steps to trace,  In the low valley`s still retreat, Oft have I view`d thy blooming face,  In the small cottage, proudly neat! I`ve seen thee, veil`d in vestal lawn,  In the cold cloyster`s hallow`d shade; I`ve seen thee, at the peep of dawn,  In simple, russet garb array`d. I`ve seen thee, crowned with APRIL flow`rs,  Light bounding o`er the rural mead; I`ve heard thee in sequester`d bow`rs  Sing to the SHEPHERD`S past`ral reed; When pleasure led the nymphs along  In moonlight gambols o`er the green, I`ve mark`d THEE, fairest of the throng,  With modest eye and timid mien. No more my eager gaze shall trace  Thy varying footsteps, blithe and free; For what art thou, but native grace,  Soft Beauty`s child, SIMPLICITY? `Tis thine in every path to dwell,  Where TRUTH and INNOCENCE are seen, In cottage low, or Hermit`s cell,  Or splendid dome, or rural green. The spotless MIND, the brow serene,  `Tis THINE, enchanting Maid, to boast! The sweet, benignant, humble mien,  And all that VIRTUE values most! Thy blushes paint DUNCANNONS`s cheek,  Thy light hand weaves her golden hair, Around her form, THY charms I`ll seek,  FOR ALL THE GRACES REVEL THERE!

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