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Mary Darby Robinson - Lines to the memory of Richard Boyle, Esq.Mary Darby Robinson - Lines to the memory of Richard Boyle, Esq.
Work rating: Low

"Fate snatch`d him early to the pitying sky." - POPE. IF WORTH, too early to the grave consign`d, Can claim the pitying tear, or touch the mind ? If manly sentiments unstain`d by art, Could waken FRIENDSHIP, or delight the heart ? Ill-fated youth ! to THEE the MUSE shall pay The last sad tribute of a mournful lay; On thy lone grave shall MAY`S soft dews be shed, And fairest flowrets blossom o`er thy head; The drooping lily, and the snow-drop pale,  Mingling their fragrant leaves, shall there recline, While CHERUBS hov`ring on th` ethereal gale,  Shall chaunt a requiem o`er the hallow`d shrine. And if Reflection`s piercing eye should scan The trivial frailties of imperfect MAN; If in thy generous heart those passions dwelt, Which all should own, and all that live have felt; Yet was thy polish`d mind so pure, so brave, The young admir`d thee, and the old forgave. And when stern FATE, with ruthless rancour, press`d Thy withering graces to her flinty breast; Bright JUSTICE darted from her bless`d abode, And bore thy VIRTUES to the throne of GOD; While cold OBLIVION stealing o`er thy mind, Each youthful folly to the grave consign`d.  O, if thy purer spirit deigns to know Each thought that passes in this vale of woe, Accept the incense of a tender tear, By PITY wafted on a sigh sincere. And if the weeping MUSE a wreath could give To grace thy tomb, and bid thy VIRTUES live; THEN Wealth should blush the gilded mask to wear, And Avarice shrink the victim of Despair. While GENIUS bending o`er thy sable bier, Should mourn her darling SON with many a tear, While in her pensive form the world should view The ONLY PARENT that thy SORROWS knew.

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