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Mary Darby Robinson - Elegy to the Memory of WerterMary Darby Robinson - Elegy to the Memory of Werter
Work rating: Low

"With female Fairies will thy tomb be haunted "And worms will not come to thee." SHAKSPERE.  WHEN from Day`s closing eye the lucid tears    Fall lightly on the bending lily`s head;    When o`er the blushing sky night`s curtains spread,  And the tall mountain`s summit scarce appears;    When languid Evening, sinking to repose,    Her filmy mantle o`er the landscape throws;  Of THEE I`ll sing; and as the mournful song  Glides in slow numbers the dark woods among;  My wand`ring steps shall seek the lonely shade,  Where all thy virtues, all thy griefs are laid!  Yes, hopeless suff`rer, friendless and forlorn,    Sweet victim of love`s power; the silent tear  Shall oft at twilight`s close, and glimm`ring morn    Gem the pale primrose that adorns thy bier,  And as the balmy dew ascends to heaven,  Thy crime shall steal away, thy frailty be forgiv`n.  Oft by the moon`s wan beam the love-lorn maid,    Led by soft SYMPATHY, shall stroll along;  Oft shall she listen in the Lime-tree`s * shade,    Her cold blood freezing at the night-owl`s song:  Or, when she hears the death-bell`s solemn sound,  Her light steps echoing o`er the hollow ground;  Oft shall the trickling tear adorn her cheek, Thy pow`r, O SENSIBILITY ! in magic charms to speak! For the poor PILGRIM, doom`d afar to roam  From the dear comforts of his native home,  A glitt`ring star puts forth a silv`ry ray,  Soothes his sad heart, and marks his tedious way;  The short-liv`d radiance cheers the gloom of night, And decks Heaven`s murky dome with transitory light. So from the mournful CHARLOTTE`s dark-orb`d lids,    The sainted tear of pitying VIRTUE flows;  And the last boon, the "churlish priest" forbids,    On thy lone grave the sacred drop bestows;  There shall the sparkling dews of Evening shine, AND HEAVEN`S OWN INCENSE CONSECRATE THE SHRINE.

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