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Mary Darby Robinson - Elegy to the Memory of David Garrick, Esq.Mary Darby Robinson - Elegy to the Memory of David Garrick, Esq.
Work rating: Low

DEAR SHADE OF HIM, who grac`d the mimick scene,  And charm`d attention with resistless pow`r; Whose wond`rous art, whose fascinating mien,  Gave glowing rapture to the short-liv`d hour! Accept the mournful verse, the ling`ring sigh,  The tear that faithful Mem`ry stays to shed; The SACRED TEAR, that from Reflection`s eye,  Drops on the ashes of the sainted dead. Lov`d by the grave, and courted by the young,  In social comforts eminently blest; All hearts rever`d the precepts of thy tongue,  And Envy`s self thy eloquence confess`d. Who could like thee the soul`s wild tumults paint,  Or wake the torpid ear with lenient art? Touch the nice sense with pity`s dulcet plaint,  Or soothe the sorrows of the breaking heart? Who can forget thy penetrating eye,  The sweet bewitching smile, th` empassion`d look? The clear deep whisper, the persuasive sigh,  The feeling tear that Nature`s language spoke? Rich in each treasure bounteous Heaven could lend,  For private worth distinguish`d and approv`d, The pride of WISDOM,­VIRTUE`s darling friend,  By MANSFIELD honor`d­and by CAMDEN lov`d! The courtier`s cringe, the flatt`rer`s abject smile,  The subtle arts of well-dissembled praise, Thy soul abhorr`d;­above the gloss of guile,  Truth lead thy steps, and Friendship crown`d thy days. Oft in thy HAMPTON`s dark embow`ring shade  The POET`s hand shall sweep the trembling string; While the proud tribute §to thy mem`ry paid,  The voice of GENIUS on the gale shall fling. Yes, SHERIDAN! thy soft melodious verse  Still vibrates on a nation`s polish`d ear; Fondly it hover`d o`er the sable hearse,  Hush`d the loud plaint, and triumph`d in a tear. In life united by congenial minds,  Dear to the MUSE, to sacred friendship true; Around her darling`s urn a wreath SHE binds,  A deathless wreath­immortaliz`d by YOU! But say, dear shade, is kindred mem`ry flown?  Has widow`d love at length forgot to weep? That no kind verse, or monumental stone,  Marks the lone spot where thy cold relics sleep! Dear to a nation, grateful to thy muse,  That nation`s tears upon thy grave shall flow, For who the gentle tribute can refuse,  Which thy fine feeling gave to fancied woe? Thou who, by many an anxious toilsome hour,  Reap`d the bright harvest of luxuriant Fame, Who snatch`d from dark oblivion`s barb`rous pow`r  The radiant glories of a SHAKSPERE`s name! Rembrance oft shall paint the mournful scene  Where the slow fun`ral spread its length`ning gloom, Where the deep murmur, and dejected mien,  In artless sorrow linger`d round thy tomb. And tho` no laurel`d bust, or labour`d line,  Shall bid the passing stranger stay to weep; Thy SHAKSPERE`s hand shall point the hallow`d shrine,  And Britain`s genius with thy ashes sleep. Then rest in peace, O ever sacred shade!  Your kindred souls exulting FAME shall join; And the same wreath thy hand for SHAKSPERE made,  Gemm`d with her tears about THY GRAVE SHALL TWINE.

The script ran 0.002 seconds.