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Mary Darby Robinson - Lines inscribed to P. de Loutherbourg, Esq. R. A.Mary Darby Robinson - Lines inscribed to P. de Loutherbourg, Esq. R. A.
Work rating: Low

WHERE on the bosom of the foamy RHINE, In curling waves the rapid waters shine; Where tow`ring cliffs in awful grandeur rise, And midst the blue expanse embrace the skies; The wond`ring eye beholds yon craggy height, Ting`d with the glow of Evening`s fading light: Where the fierce cataract swelling o`er its bound, Bursts from its source, and dares the depth profound. On ev`ry side the headlong currents flow, Scatt`ring their foam like silv`ry sands below: From hill to hill responsive echoes sound, Loud torrents roar, and dashing waves rebound: Th` opposing rock, the azure stream divides The white froth tumbling down its sparry sides; From fall to fall the glitt`ring channels flow, `Till lost, they mingle in the Lake below. Tremendous spot ! amid thy views sublime, The mental sight ethereal realms may climb, With wonder rapt the mighty work explore, Confess TH` ETERNAL`S pow`r ! and pensively adore!  ALL VARYING NATURE! oft the outstretch`d eye Marks o`er the WELKIN`s brow the meteor fly: Marks, where the COMET with impetuous force, O`er Heaven`s wide concave, skims its fiery course: While on the ALPINE steep thin vapours rise, Float on the blast­or freeze amidst the skies: Or half congeal`d in flaky fragments glide Along the gelid mountain`s breezy side; Or mingling with the waste of yielding snow, From the vast height in various currents flow.  Now pale-ey`d MORNING, at thy soft command, O`er the rich landscape spreads her dewy hand: Swift o`er the plain the lucid rivers fly, Imperfect mirrors of the dappled sky: On the fring`d margin of the dimpling tide, Each od`rous bud, by FLORA`S pencil dy`d, Expands its velvet leaves of lust`rous hue, Bath`d in the essence of celestial dew: While from the METEOR to the simplest FLOW R, Prolific Nature ! we behold thy pow`r ! Yet has mysterious Heaven with care consign`d Thy noblest triumphs to the human mind; MAN feels the proud preeminence impart Intrepid firmness to his swelling heart; Creation`s lord ! where`er HE bends his way, The torch of REASON spreads its godlike ray.  As o`er SIClLlAN sands the Trav`ler roves, Feeds on its fruits, and shelters in its groves, Sudden amidst the calm retreat he hears The pealing thunders in the distant spheres; He sees the curling fumes from ETNA rise, Shade the green vale, and blacken all the skies. Around his head the forked lightnings glare, The vivid streams illume the stagnant air: The nodding hills hang low`ring o`er the deep, The howling winds the clust`ring vineyards sweep; The cavern`d rocks terrific tremours rend; Low to the earth the tawny forests bend: While He an ATOM in the direful scene, Views the wild CHAOS, wond`ring, and serene; Tho` at his feet sulphureous rivers roll, No touch of terror shakes his conscious soul: His MIND ! enlighten`d by PROMETHEAN rays Expanding, glows with intellectual blaze!  Such scenes, long since, th` immortal POET charm`d, His MUSE enraptur`d, and his FANCY warm`d: From them he learnt with magic eye t` explore, The dire ARCANUM of the STYGIAN shore ! Where the departed spirit trembling, hurl`d "With restless violence round the pendent world," On the swift wings of whistling whirlwinds flung, Plung`d in the wave, or on the mountain hung.  While o`er yon cliff the ling`ring fires of day, In ruby shadows faintly glide away; The glassy source that feeds the CATARACT`s stream, Bears the last image of the solar beam: Wide o`er the Landscape Nature`s tints disclose, The softest picture of sublime repose; The sober beauties of EVE`S hour serene, The scatter`d village, now but dimly seen, The neighb`ring rock, whose flinty brow inclin`d, Shields the clay cottage from the northern wind: The variegated woodlands scarce we view, The distant mountains ting`d with purple hue: Pale twilight flings her mantle o`er the skies, From the still lake, the misty vapours rise; Cold show`rs descending on the western breeze, Sprinkle with lucid drops the bending trees, Whose spreading branches o`er the glade reclin`d, Wave their dank leaves, and murmur to the wind.  Such scenes, O LOUTHERBOURG! thy pencil fir`d, Warm`d thy great mind, and every touch inspir`d: Beneath thy hand the varying colours glow, Vast mountains rise, and crystal rivers flow: Thy wond`rous Genius owns no pedant rule, Nature`s thy guide, and Nature`s works thy school: Pursue her steps, each rival`s art defy, For while she charms, THY NAME shall never die.

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