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Mary Darby Robinson - Ode to EloquenceMary Darby Robinson - Ode to Eloquence
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HAIL! GODDESS of persuasive art!  The magic of whose tuneful tongue    Lulls to soft harmony the wand`ring heart  With fascinating song;    O, let me hear thy heav`n-taught strain,  As thro` my quiv`ring pulses steal    The mingling throbs of joy and pain,  Which only sensate minds can feel;      Ah ! let me taste the bliss supreme,    Which thy warm touch unerring flings    O`er the rapt sense`s finest strings,  When GENIUS, darting frown the sky,  Glances across my wond`ring eye,      Her animating beam.  SWEET ELOQUENCE! thy mild controul,  Awakes to REASON`s dawn, the IDIOT soul;    When mists absorb the MENTAL sight,    `Tis thine, to dart CREATIVE LIGHT;  `Tis thine, to chase the filmy clouds away, And o`er the mind`s deep bloom, spread a refulgent ray.  Nor is thy wond`rous art confin`d,    Within the bounds of MENTAL space,    For thou canst boast exterior grace,  Bright emblem of the fertile mind; Yes; I have seen thee, with persuasion meek, Bathe in the lucid tear, on Beauty`s cheek, Have mark`d thee in the downcast eye, When suff`ring Virtue claim`d the pitying sigh.    Oft, by thy thrilling voice subdued,    The meagre fiend INGRATITUDE      Her treach`rous fang conceals;    Pale ENVY hides her forked sting;    And CALUMNY, beneath the wing      Of dark oblivion steals.    Before thy pure and lambent fire    Shall frozen Apathy expire;  Thy influence warm and unconfin`d,    Shall rapt`rous transports give,  And in the base and torpid mind,    Shall bid the fine Affections live;  When JEALOUSY`s malignant dart,  Strikes at the fondly throbbing heart;  When fancied woes, on every side assail,  Thy honey`d accents shall prevail;  When burning Passion withers up the brain,  And the fix`d lids, the glowing drops sustain,  Touch`d by thy voice, the melting eye Shall pour the balm of yielding SYMPATHY.    `Tis thine, with lenient Song to move    The dumb despair of hopeless LOVE;    Or when the animated soul      On Fancy`s wing shall soar,    And scorning Reason`s soft controul,      Untrodden paths explore;    `Till by distracting conflicts tost,    The intellectual source is lost:  E`en then, the witching music of thy tongue    Stealing thro` Mis`ry`s DARKEST GLOOM,    Weaves the fine threads of FANCY`s loom,  `Till every slacken`d nerve new strung,    Bids renovated NATURE shine, Amidst the fost`ring beams of ELOQUENCE DIVINE.

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