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John Dryden - Epilogue to Henry II. John Dryden - Epilogue to Henry II.
Work rating: Low

Thus you the sad catastrophe have seen, Occasioned by a mistress and a queen. Queen Eleanor the proud was French, they say; But English manufacture got the day. Jane Clifford was her name, as books aver; Fair Rosamond was but her nom de guerre. Now tell me, gallants, would you lead your life With such a mistress, or with such a wife? If one must be your choice, which d` ye approve, The curtain lecture, or the curtain love? Would ye be godly with perpetual strife, Still drudging on with homely Joan, your wife, Or take your pleasure in a wicked way, Like honest whoring Harry in the play? I guess your minds; the mistress would be taking, And nauseous matrimony sent a packing. The devil`s in you all; mankind`s a rogue; You love the bride, but you detest the clog. After a year, poor spouse is left i` the lurch, And you, like Haynes, return to mother-church. Or, if the name of church comes cross your mind, Chapels-of-ease behind our scenes you find. The playhouse is a kind of market-place; One chaffers for a voice, another for a face; Nay, some of you,—I dare not say how many,— Would buy of me a pen`worth for your penny. E`en this poor face, which with my fan I hide, Would make a shift my portion to provide, With some small perquisites I have beside. Though for your love, perhaps, I should not care, I could not hate a man that bids me fair. What might ensue, `tis hard for me to tell; But I was drenched to-day for loving well, And fear the poison that would make me swell.

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