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John Dryden - DreamsJohn Dryden - Dreams
Work rating: Medium

Dreams are but interludes which Fancy makes; When monarch Reason sleeps, this mimic wakes: Compounds a medley of disjointed things, A mob of cobblers, and a court of kings: Light fumes are merry, grosser fumes are sad; Both are the reasonable soul run mad; And many monstrous forms in sleep we see, That neither were, nor are, nor e`er can be. Sometimes forgotten things long cast behind Rush forward in the brain, and come to mind. The nurse`s legends are for truths received, And the man dreams but what the boy believed. Sometimes we but rehearse a former play, The night restores our actions done by day; As hounds in sleep will open for their prey. In short, the farce of dreams is of a piece, Chimeras all; and more absurd, or less.

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