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Harriet Monroe - The TowerHarriet Monroe - The Tower
Work rating: Low

He built a tower for all to see, With sun-washed gardens planted wide. And there with pomp of pageantry, With men-at-arms and minstrelsy And moonbeam ladies fair and free, He revelled in his pride. And there, with soft prayers muttered slow, And wind-blown candles burning low, And hooded mourners row on row, In pomp of peace he died. Now time forgets how many a sun Above the waste has risen and run Since all the feasts were over and done; Yet still from rusty pinnacle, From cobwebbed pane and broken bell, A wind-voice murmurs: Here am I— `Twas good to live and die; And good to rear these carved stones well `Twixt laboring earth and dreaming sky. And now `tis good to watch and wait While the slow centuries pass in state, And make old time my glory tell To you who wander by.

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