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Katharine Lee Bates - The Submarine That Sank The "Lusitania"Katharine Lee Bates - The Submarine That Sank The "Lusitania"
Work rating: Low

SPINDRIFT white shall her victims stand On the ivory quay, untrod By living feet, when she nears Ghoststrand, To point her out to God. The Babies Of The "Lusitania" THOSE rosy, dimpled darlings cast So roughly to the sea, Wondering their bathtub was so vast, Reaching for breast and knee, Too innocent to understand What hate and murder are, But puzzled that the dandling hand Had let them drop so far, Swallowing like milk the bitter foam, Dismayed to miss their breath, Our little guests from Heaven went home In the great arms of Death. O Land of Toys and Christmas Trees, Dear Land of Fairy Tales, How will your heart be panged for these When war`s red frenzy pales! God pity Germany in all The grieving years to be When through her cradle-songs shall call Drowned babies from the sea.

The script ran 0.001 seconds.