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Katharine Lee Bates - JerusalemKatharine Lee Bates - Jerusalem
Work rating: Low

AT last, at last the Crescent Falls back before the Cross. Great spirits, incandescent With longing and with loss, Gleam from the clouds, crusaders Who knew no requiem While Saladin`s invaders Possessed Jerusalem. King David harps for Zion A glad, celestial psalm; The face of the young lion Is toward the sacred palm; New Europe`s noblest nation Has won the diadem Of him who brings salvation To thee, Jerusalem. Isaiah, Hosea, Amos, Who cried against thy sin, Whose vision saw thy famous Bright bulwarks beaten in And made a cup of trembling, God`s house a broken gem, On all the winds assembling Comfort Jerusalem. The Christ, Messiah proven, Whose Gentile armies free Thy walls, not battle-cloven, But won with jubilee; As when thy people, pressing, Would touch His garment`s hem, Enters with love and blessing Thy gates, Jerusalem. Arise and shine, O City, The joy of all the earth! Show poverty God`s pity; Teach misery God`s mirth. Be thou to all the nations A light, ay, even to them Who wrought thy tribulations, Holy Jerusalem!

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