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Katharine Lee Bates - Anniversary HymnKatharine Lee Bates - Anniversary Hymn
Work rating: Low

[sung to tune: "All Saints New"] Our fathers, in the years grown dim, reared slowly, wall by wall A holy dwelling-place for Him, that filleth all in all. They wrought His house of faith and prayer, the rainbow round the Throne, A precious temple builded fair on Christ the Cornerstone. The Angel of the Golden Reed hath found the measure strait` He hears the Great Foundation plead for ampler wall and gate. The living pillars of the Truth grown on from morn to morn, And still the heresy of youth is age`s creed outworn. But steadfast is their inner shrine wrought of the heart`s fine gold, Its hunger and its thirst divine, with jewels manifold, Red sard of pain, hope`s emerald gleam, white peace, no glory missed Of righteous life and saintly dream, Jasper to amethyst. Spirit of Truth, forbid that we who now God`s temple are And keep the faith with minds more free, our father`s fabric mar. Better than thoughts the stars that search is self still sacrificed, For only Love can build the church whose corner-stone is Christ.

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