James Russell Lowell - Remarks Of Increase D. O`phace, EsquireJames Russell Lowell - Remarks Of Increase D. O`phace, Esquire
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At An Extrumpery Caucus In State Street, Reported By Mr. H. Biglow
No? Hez he? He haint, though? Wut? Voted agin him?
Ef the bird of our country could ketch him, she`d skin him;
I seem `s though I see her, with wrath in each quill,
Like a chancery lawyer, afilin` her bill,
An` grindin` her talents ez sharp ez all nater,
To pounce like a writ on the back o` the traitor.
Forgive me, my friends, ef I seem to be het,
But a crisis like this must with vigor be met;
Wen an Arnold the star-spangled banner bestains,
Holl Fourth o` Julys seem to bile in my veins.
Who ever`d ha` thought sech a pisonous rig
Would be run by a chap thet wuz chose fer a Wig?
`We knowed wut his princerples wuz `fore we sent him`?
Wut wuz there in them from this vote to prevent him?
A marciful Providunce fashioned us holler
O` purpose thet we might our princerples swaller;
It can hold any quantity on `em, the belly can,
An` bring `em up ready fer use like the pelican,
Or more like the kangaroo, who (wich is stranger)
Puts her family into her pouch wen there`s danger.
Aint princerple precious? then, who`s goin` to use it
Wen there`s resk o` some chap`s gittin` up to abuse it?
I can`t tell the wy on `t, but nothin` is so sure
Ez thet princerple kind o` gits spiled by exposure;
A man that lets all sorts o` folks git a sight on `t
Ough` to hev it all took right away, every mite on `t;
Ef he cant keep it all to himself wen it`s wise to,
He aint one it`s fit to trust nothin` so nice to.
Besides, ther`s a wonderful power in latitude
To shift a man`s morril relations an` attitude;
Some flossifers think thet a fakkilty`s granted
The minnit it`s proved to be thoroughly wanted,
Thet a change o` demand makes a change o` condition,
An` thet everythin` `s nothin` except by position;
Ez, for instance, thet rubber-trees fust begun bearin`
Wen p`litikle conshunces come into wearin`,
Thet the fears of a monkey, whose holt chanced to fail,
Drawed the vertibry out to a prehensile tail;
So, wen one`s chose to Congriss, ez soon ez he`s in it,
A collar grows right round his neck in a minnit,
An` sartin it is thet a man cannot be strict
In bein` himself, when he gits to the Deestrict,
Fer a coat thet sets wal here in ole Massachusetts,
Wen it gits on to Washinton, somehow askew sets.
Resolves, do you say, o` the Springfield Convention?
Thet`s precisely the pint I was goin` to mention;
Resolves air a thing we most gen`ally keep ill,
They`re a cheap kind o` dust fer the eyes o` the people;
A parcel o` delligits jest git together
An` chat fer a spell o` the crops an` the weather,
Then, comin` to order, they squabble awile
An` let off the speeches they`re ferful`ll spile;
Then--Resolve,--Thet we wunt hev an inch o` slave territory;
Thet President Polk`s holl perceedins air very tory;
Thet the war is a damned war, an` them thet enlist in it
Should hev a cravat with a dreffle tight twist in it;
Thet the war is a war fer the spreadin` o` slavery;
Thet our army desarves our best thanks fer their bravery;
Thet we`re the original friends o` the nation,
All the rest air a paltry an` base fabrication;
Thet we highly respect Messrs. A, B, an` C,
An` ez deeply despise Messrs. E, F, an` G.
In this way they go to the eend o` the chapter,
An` then they bust out in a kind of a raptur
About their own vartoo, an` folks`s stone-blindness
To the men thet `ould actilly do `em a kindness,--
The American eagle,--the Pilgrims thet landed,--
Till on ole Plymouth Rock they git finally stranded.
Wal, the people they listen an` say, `Thet`s the ticket;
Ez fer Mexico, `taint no great glory to lick it,
But `twould be a darned shame to go pullin` o` triggers
To extend the aree of abusin` the niggers.`
So they march in percession, an` git up hooraws,
An` tramp thru the mud far the good o` the cause,
An` think they`re a kind o` fulfillin` the prophecies,
Wen they`re on`y jest changin` the holders of offices;
Ware A sot afore, B is comf`tably seated,
One humbug`s victor`ous an` t` other defeated,
Each honnable doughface gits jest wut he axes,
An` the people,--their annooal soft-sodder an` taxes.
Now, to keep unimpaired all these glorious feeturs
Thet characterize morril an` reasonin` creeturs,
Thet give every paytriot all he can cram,
Thet oust the untrustworthy Presidunt Flam,
An` stick honest Presidunt Sham in his place,
To the manifest gain o` the holl human race,
An` to some indervidgewals on `t in partickler,
Who love Public Opinion an` know how to tickle her,--
I say thet a party with gret aims like these
Must stick jest ez close ez a hive full o` bees.
I`m willin` a man should go tollable strong
Agin wrong in the abstract, fer thet kind o` wrong
Is ollers unpop`lar an` never gits pitied,
Because it`s a crime no one never committed;
But he mus`n`t be hard on partickler sins,
Coz then he`ll be kickin` the people`s own shins;
On`y look at the Demmercrats, see wut they`ve done
Jest simply by stickin` together like fun;
They`ve sucked us right into a mis`able war
Thet no one on airth aint responsible for;
They`ve run us a hundred cool millions in debt
(An` fer Demmercrat Horners there`s good plums left yet);
They talk agin tayriffs, but act fer a high one,
An` so coax all parties to build up their Zion;
To the people they`re ollers ez slick ez molasses,
An` butter their bread on both sides with The Masses,
Half o` whom they`ve persuaded, by way of a joke,
Thet Washinton`s mantlepiece fell upon Polk.
Now all o` these blessin`s the Wigs might enjoy,
Ef they`d gumption enough the right means to imploy;
Fer the silver spoon born in Dermoc`acy`s mouth
Is a kind of a scringe thet they hev to the South;
Their masters can cuss `em an` kick `em an` wale `em.
An` they notice it less `an the ass did to Balaam;
In this way they screw into second-rate offices
Wich the slaveholder thinks `ould substract too much off his ease;
The file-leaders, I mean, du, fer they, by their wiles,
Unlike the old viper, grow fat on their files.
Wal, the Wigs hev been tryin` to grab all this prey frum `em
An` to hook this nice spoon o` good fortin` away frum `em,
An` they might ha` succeeded, ez likely ez not,
In lickin` the Demmercrats all round the lot,
Ef it warn`t thet, wile all faithful Wigs were their knees on,
Some stuffy old codger would holler out,--`Treason!
You must keep a sharp eye on a dog thet hez bit you once,
An` _I_ aint agoin` to cheat my constitoounts,`--
Wen every fool knows thet a man represents
Not the fellers thet sent him, but them on the fence,--
Impartially ready to jump either side
An` make the fust use of a turn o` the tide,--
The waiters on Providunce here in the city,
Who compose wut they call a State Centerl Committy,
Constitoounts air hendy to help a man in,
But arterwards don`t weigh the heft of a pin,
Wy, the people can`t all live on Uncle Sam`s pus,
So they`ve nothin` to du with `t fer better or wus;
It`s the folks thet air kind o` brought up to depend on `t
Thet hev any consarn in `t, an` thet is the end on `t.
Now here wuz New England ahevin` the honor
Of a chance at the Speakership showered upon her;--
Do you say, `She don`t want no more Speakers, but fewer;
She`s hed plenty o` them, wut she wants is a _doer`_?
Fer the matter o` thet, it`s notorous in town
Thet her own representatives du her quite brown.
But thet`s nothin` to du with it; wut right hed Palfrey
To mix himself up with fanatical small fry?
Warn`t we gittin` on prime with our hot an` cold blowin`,
Acondemnin` the war wilst we kep` it agoin`?
We`d assumed with gret skill a commandin` position.
On this side or thet, no one couldn`t tell wich one,
So, wutever side wipped, we`d a chance at the plunder
An` could sue fer infringin` our paytented thunder;
We were ready to vote fer whoever wuz eligible,
Ef on all pints at issoo he`d stay unintelligible.
Wal, sposin` we hed to gulp down our perfessions.
We were ready to come out next mornin` with fresh ones;
Besides, ef we did, `twas our business alone,
Fer couldn`t we du wut we would with our own?
An` ef a man can, wen pervisions hev riz so,
Eat up his own words, it`s a marcy it is so.
Wy, these chaps frum the North, with back-bones to `em, darn `em,
`Ould be wuth more `an Gennle Tom Thumb is to Barnum:
Ther`s enough thet to office on this very plan grow,
By exhibitin` how very small a man can grow;
But an M.C. frum here ollers hastens to state he
Belongs to the order called invertebraty,
Wence some gret filologists judge primy fashy
Thet M.C. is M.T. by paronomashy;
An` these few exceptions air _loosus naytury_
Folks `ould put down their quarters to stare at, like fury.
It`s no use to open the door o` success,
Ef a member can bolt so fer nothin` or less;
Wy, all o` them grand constitootional pillers
Our fore-fathers fetched with `em over the billers,
Them pillers the people so soundly hev slep` on,
Wile to slav`ry, invasion, an` debt they were swep` on,
Wile our Destiny higher an` higher kep` mountin`
(Though I guess folks`ll stare wen she hends her account in),
Ef members in this way go kickin` agin `em,
They wunt hev so much ez a feather left in `em.
An`, ez fer this Palfrey, we thought wen we`d gut him in,
He`d go kindly in wutever harness we put him in;
Supposin` we _did_ know thet he wuz a peace man?
Does he think he can be Uncle Sammle`s policeman,
An` wen Sam gits tipsy an` kicks up a riot,
Lead him off to the lockup to snooze till he`s quiet?
Wy, the war is a war thet true paytriots can bear, ef
It leads to the fat promised land of a tayriff;
_We_ don`t go an` fight it, nor aint to be driv on,
Nor Demmercrats nuther, thet hev wut to live on;
Ef it aint jest the thing thet`s well pleasin` to God,
It makes us thought highly on elsewhere abroad;
The Rooshian black eagle looks blue in his eerie
An` shakes both his heads wen he hears o` Monteery;
In the Tower Victory sets, all of a fluster,
An` reads, with locked doors, how we won Cherry Buster;
An` old Philip Lewis--thet come an` kep` school here
Fer the mere sake o` scorin his ryalist ruler
On the tenderest part of our kings _in futuro_--
Hides his crown underneath an old shut in his bureau,
Breaks off in his brags to a suckle o` merry kings,
How he often hed hided young native Amerrikins,
An` turnin` quite faint in the midst of his fooleries,
Sneaks down stairs to bolt the front door o` the Tooleries.
You say, `We`d ha` seared `em by growin` in peace,
A plaguy sight more then by bobberies like these`?
Who is it dares say thet our naytional eagle
Won`t much longer be classed with the birds thet air regal,
Coz theirn be hooked beaks, an` she, arter this slaughter,
`ll bring back a bill ten times longer `n she`d ough` to?
Wut`s your name? Come, I see ye, you up-country feller,
You`ve put me out severil times with your beller;
Out with it! Wut? Biglow? I say nothin` furder,
Thet feller would like nothin` better `n a murder;
He`s a traiter, blasphemer, an` wut ruther worse is,
He puts all his ath`ism in dreffle bad verses;
Socity aint safe till sech monsters air out on it,
Refer to the Post, ef you hev the least doubt on it;
Wy, he goes agin war, agin indirect taxes,
Agin sellin` wild lands `cept to settlers with axes,
Agin holdin` o` slaves, though he knows it`s the corner
Our libbaty rests on, the mis`able scorner!
In short, he would wholly upset with his ravages
All thet keeps us above the brute critters an` savages,
An` pitch into all kinds o` briles an` confusions
The holl of our civerlized, free institutions;
He writes fer thet ruther unsafe print, the Courier,
An` likely ez not hez a squintin` to Foorier;
I`ll be----, thet is, I mean I`ll be blest,
Ef I hark to a word frum so noted a pest;
I sha`nt talk with _him_, my religion`s too fervent.
Good mornin`, my friends, I`m your most humble servant.
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