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James Russell Lowell - Birdofredum Sawin, Esq., To Mr. Hosea BiglowJames Russell Lowell - Birdofredum Sawin, Esq., To Mr. Hosea Biglow
Work rating: Low

It`s some consid`ble of a spell sence I hain`t writ no letters, An` ther` `s gret changes hez took place in all polit`cle metters: Some canderdates air dead an` gone, an` some hez ben defeated, Which `mounts to pooty much the same; fer it`s ben proved repeated A betch o` bread thet hain`t riz once ain`t goin` to rise agin, An` it`s jest money throwed away to put the emptins in: But thet`s wut folks wun`t never larn; they dunno how to go, Arter you want their room, no more `n a bullet-headed bean; Ther` `s ollers chaps a-hangin` roun` thet can`t see peatime`s past, Mis`ble as roosters in a rain, heads down an` tails half-mast:    It ain`t disgraceful bein` beat, when a holl nation doos it, But Chance is like an amberill,--it don`t take twice to lose it. I spose you`re kin` o` cur`ous, now, to know why I hain`t writ. Wal, I`ve ben where a litt`ry taste don`t somehow seem to git Th` encouragement a feller`d think, thet`s used to public schools, An` where sech things ez paper `n` ink air clean agin the rules: A kind o` vicyvarsy house, built dreffle strong an` stout, So `s `t honest people can`t get in, ner t`other sort git out. An` with the winders so contrived, you`d prob`ly like the view Better alookin` in than out, though it seems sing`lar, tu;    But then the landlord sets by ye, can`t bear ye out o` sight, And locks ye up ez reg`lar ez an outside door at night. This world is awfle contrary: the rope may stretch your neck Thet mebby kep` another chap frum washin` off a wreck; An` you may see the taters grow in one poor feller`s patch, So small no self-respectin` hen thet vallied time `ould scratch, So small the rot can`t find `em out, an` then agin, nex` door, Ez big ez wut hogs dream on when they`re `most too fat to snore. But groutin` ain`t no kin` o` use; an` ef the fust throw fails, Why, up an` try agin, thet`s all,--the coppers ain`t all tails,    Though I _hev_ seen `em when I thought they hedn`t no more head Than `d sarve a nussin` Brigadier thet gits some Ink to shed. When I writ last, I`d ben turned loose by thet blamed nigger, Pomp, Ferlorner than a musquash, ef you`d took an` dreened his swamp; But I ain`t o` the meechin` kind, thet sets an` thinks fer weeks The bottom`s out o` th` univarse coz their own gillpot leaks. I hed to cross bayous an` criks, (wal, it did beat all natur`,) Upon a kin` o` corderoy, fust log, then alligator; Luck`ly, the critters warn`t sharp-sot; I guess `twuz overruled They `d done their mornin`s marketin` an` gut their hunger cooled;    Fer missionaries to the Creeks an` runaways are viewed By them an` folks ez sent express to be their reg`lar food; Wutever `twuz, they laid an` snoozed ez peacefully ez sinners, Meek ez disgestin` deacons be at ordination dinners; Ef any on `em turned an` snapped, I let `em kin` o` taste My live-oak leg, an` so, ye see, ther` warn`t no gret o` waste; Fer they found out in quicker time than ef they`d ben to college `Twarn`t heartier food than though `twuz made out o` the tree o` knowledge. But I tell _you_ my other leg hed larned wut pizon-nettle meant, An` var`ous other usefle things, afore I reached a settlement,    An` all o` me thet wuzn`t sore an` sendin` prickles thru me Wuz jest the leg I parted with in lickin` Montezumy: A useful limb it`s ben to me, an` more of a support Than wut the other hez ben,--coz I dror my pension for `t. Wal, I gut in at last where folks wuz civerlized an` white, Ez I diskivered to my cost afore `twarn`t hardly night; Fer `z I wuz settin` in the bar a-takin` sunthin` hot, An` feelin` like a man agin, all over in one spot, A feller thet sot oppersite, arter a squint at me, Lep` up an` drawed his peacemaker, an`, `Dash it, Sir,` suz he,    `I`m doubledashed ef you ain`t him thet stole my yaller chettle, (You`re all the stranger thet`s around,) so now you`ve gut to settle; It ain`t no use to argerfy ner try to cut up frisky, I know ye ez I know the smell of ole chain-lightnin` whiskey; We`re lor-abidin` folks down here, we`ll fix ye so`s `t a bar Wouldn` tech ye with a ten-foot pole; (Jedge, you jest warm the tar You`ll think you`d better ha` gut among a tribe o` Mongrel Tartars, `fore we`ve done showin` how we raise our Southun prize tar-martyrs; A moultin` fallen cherubim, ef he should see ye, `d snicker, Thinkin` he warn`t a suckemstance. Come, genlemun, le` `s liquor;    An`, Gin`ral, when you`ve mixed the drinks an` chalked `em up, tote roun` An` see ef ther` `s a feather-bed (thet`s borryable) in town. We`ll try ye fair, ole Grafted-Leg, an` ef the tar wun`t stick, Th` ain`t not a juror here but wut`ll `quit ye double-quick,` To cut it short, I wun`t say sweet, they gi` me a good dip, (They ain`t _perfessin`_ Bahptists here,) then give the bed a rip,-- The jury`d sot, an` quicker `n a flash they hetched me out, a livin` Extemp`ry mammoth turkey-chick fer a Fejee Thanksgivin`. Thet I felt some stuck up is wut it`s nat`ral to suppose, When poppylar enthusiasm hed funnished me sech clo`es;    (Ner `tain`t without edvantiges, this kin` o` suit, ye see, It`s water-proof, an` water`s wut I like kep` out o` me But nut content with thet, they took a kerridge from the fence An` rid me roun` to see the place, entirely free `f expense, With forty-`leven new kines o` sarse without no charge acquainted me, Gi` me three cheers, an` vowed thet I wuz all their fahncy painted me; They treated me to all their eggs; (they keep `em I should think, Fer sech ovations, pooty long, for they wuz mos` distinc`); They starred me thick `z the Milky-Way with indiscrim`nit cherity, Fer wut we call reception eggs air sunthin` of a rerity;    Green ones is plentifle anough, skurce wuth a nigger`s getherin`, But your dead-ripe ones ranges high fer treatin` Nothun bretherin; A spotteder, ring-streakeder child the` warn`t in Uncle Sam`s Holl farm,--a cross of striped pig an` one o` Jacob`s lambs; `Twuz Dannil in the lions` den, new an` enlarged edition, An` everythin` fust-rate o` `ts kind; the` warn`t no impersition. People`s impulsiver down here than wut our folks to home be, An` kin` o` go it `ith a resh in raisin` Hail Columby: Thet`s _so:_ an` they swarmed out like bees, for your real Southun men`s Time isn`t o` much more account than an ole settin` hen`s;    (They jest work semioccashnally, or else don`t work at all, An` so their time an` `tention both air at saci`ty`s call.) Talk about hospatality! wut Nothun town d` ye know Would take a totle stranger up an` treat him gratis so? You`d better b`lleve ther` `s nothin` like this spendin` days an` nights Along `ith a dependent race fer civerlizin` whites. But this wuz all prelim`nary; it`s so Gran` Jurors here Fin` a true bill, a hendier way than ourn, an` nut so dear; So arter this they sentenced me, to make all tight `n` snug, Afore a reg`lar court o` law, to ten years in the Jug.      I didn`t make no gret defence: you don`t feel much like speakin`, When, ef you let your clamshells gape, a quart o` tar will leak in: I _hev_ hearn tell o` winged words, but pint o` fact it tethers The spoutin` gift to hev your words _tu_ thick sot on with feathers, An` Choate ner Webster wouldn`t ha` made an kin` o` speech Astride a Southun chestnut horse sharper `n a baby`s screech. Two year ago they ketched the thief, `n` seein` I wuz innercent, They jest uncorked an` le` me run, an` in my stid the sinner sent To see how _he_ liked pork `n` pone flavored with wa`nut saplin`, An` nary social priv`ledge but a one-hoss, starn-wheel chaplin.      When I come out, the folks behaved mos` gen`manly an` harnsome; They `lowed it wouldn`t be more `n right, ef I should cuss `n` darn some: The Cunnle he apolergized; suz he, `I`ll du wut`s right, I`ll give ye settisfection now by shootin` ye at sight, An` give the nigger (when he`s caught), to pay him fer his trickin` In gittin` the wrong man took up, a most H fired lickin`,-- It`s jest the way with all on `em, the inconsistent critters, They`re `most enough to make a man blaspheme his mornin` bitters; I`ll be your frien` thru thick an` thin an` in all kines o` weathers, An` all you`ll hev to pay fer`s jest the waste o` tar an` feathers:    A lady owned the bed, ye see, a widder, tu, Miss Shennon; It wuz her mite; we would ha` took another, ef ther` `d ben one: We don`t make _no_ charge for the ride an` all the other fixins. Le` `s liquor; Gin`ral, you can chalk our friend for all the mixins.` A meetin` then wuz called, where they `RESOLVED, Thet we respec` B.S. Esquire for quallerties o` heart an` intellec` Peculiar to Columby`s sile, an` not to no one else`s, Thet makes European tyrans scringe in all their gilded pel`ces, An` doos gret honor to our race an` Southun institootions:` (I give ye jest the substance o` the leadin` resolootions    `RESOLVED, Thet we revere In him a soger `thout a flor, A martyr to the princerples o` libbaty an` lor: RESOLVED, Thet other nations all, ef sot `longside o` us, For vartoo, larnin`, chivverlry, ain`t noways wuth a cuss.` They got up a subscription, tu, but no gret come o` _thet;_ I `xpect in cairin` of it roun` they took a leaky hat; Though Southun genelmun ain`t slow at puttin` down their name, (When they can write,) fer in the eend it comes to jes` the same, Because, ye see, `t `s the fashion here to sign an` not to think A critter`d be so sordid ez to ax `em for the chink:    I didn`t call but jest on one, an` _he_ drawed tooth-pick on me, An` reckoned he warn`t goin` to stan` no sech dog-gauned econ`my: So nothin` more wuz realized, `ceptin` the good-will shown, Than ef `t had ben from fust to last a regular Cotton Loan. It`s a good way, though, come to think, coz ye enjy the sense O` lendin` lib`rally to the Lord, an` nary red o` `xpense: Sence then I`ve gut my name up for a gin`rous-hearted man By jes` subscribin` right an` left on this high-minded plan; I`ve gin away my thousans so to every Southun sort O` missions, colleges, an` sech, ner ain`t no poorer for `t.    I warn`t so bad off, arter all; I needn`t hardly mention That Guv`ment owed me quite a pile for my arrears o` pension,-- I mean the poor, weak thing we _hed:_ we run a new one now, Thet strings a feller with a claim up ta the nighes` bough, An` _prectises_ the rights o` man, purtects down-trodden debtors, Ner wun`t hev creditors about ascrougin` o` their betters: Jeff`s gut the last idees ther` is, poscrip`, fourteenth edition, He knows it takes some enterprise to run an oppersition; Ourn`s the fust thru-by-daylight train, with all ou`doors for deepot; Yourn goes so slow you`d think `twuz drawed by a las` cent`ry teapot;--    Wal, I gut all on `t paid in gold afore our State seceded, An` done wal, for Confed`rit bonds warn`t jest the cheese I needed: Nut but wut they`re ez _good_ ez gold, but then it`s hard a-breakin` on `em, An` ignorant folks is ollers sot an` wun`t git used to takin` on `em; They`re wuth ez much ez wut they wuz afore ole Mem`nger signed `em, An` go off middlin` wal for drinks, when ther` `s a knife behind `em; We _du_ miss silver, jes` fer thet an` ridin` in a bus, Now we`ve shook off the desputs thet wuz suckin` at our pus; An` it`s _because_ the South`s so rich; `twuz nat`ral to expec` Supplies o` change wuz jes` the things we shouldn`t recollec`;      We`d ough` to ha` thought aforehan`, though, o` thet good rule o` Crockett`s, For `t `s tiresome cairin` cotton-bales an` niggers in your pockets, Ner `tain`t quite hendy to pass off one o` your six-foot Guineas An` git your halves an` quarters back in gals an` pickaninnies: Wal, `tain`t quite all a feller`d ax, but then ther`s this to say, It`s on`y jest among ourselves thet we expec` to pay; Our system would ha` caird us thru in any Bible cent`ry, `fore this onscripterl plan come up o` books by double entry; We go the patriarkle here out o` all sight an` hearin`, For Jacob warn`t a suckemstance to Jeff at financierin`;      _He_ never`d thought o` borryin` from Esau like all nater An` then cornfiscatin` all debts to sech a small pertater; There`s p`litickle econ`my, now, combined `ith morril beauty Thet saycrifices privit eends (your in`my`s, tu) to dooty! Wy, Jeff `d ha` gin him five an` won his eye-teeth `fore he knowed it, An`, stid o` wastin` pottage, he`d ha` eat it up an` owed it. But I wuz goin` on to say how I come here to dwall;-- `Nough said, thet, arter lookin` roun`, I liked the place so wal, Where niggers doos a double good, with us atop to stiddy `em, By bein` proofs o` prophecy an` suckleatin` medium,    Where a man`s sunthin` coz he`s white, an` whiskey`s cheap ez fleas, An` the financial pollercy jes` sooted my idees, Thet I friz down right where I wuz, merried the Widder Shennon, (Her thirds wuz part in cotton-land, part in the curse o` Canaan,) An` here I be ez lively ez a chipmunk on a wall, With nothin` to feel riled about much later `n Eddam`s fall. Ez fur ez human foresight goes, we made an even trade: She gut an overseer, an` I a fem`ly ready-made, The youngest on `em `s `mos` growed up, rugged an` spry ez weazles, So `s `t ther` `s no resk o` doctors` bills fer hoopin`-cough an` measles. Our farm`s at Turkey-Buzzard Roost, Little Big Boosy River,    Wal located in all respex,--fer `tain`t the chills `n` fever Thet makes my writin` seem to squirm; a Southuner`d allow I`d Some call to shake, for I`ve jest hed to meller a new cowhide. Miss S. is all `f a lady; th` ain`t no better on Big Boosy Ner one with more accomplishmunts `twist here an` Tuscaloosy; She`s an F.F., the tallest kind, an` prouder `n the Gran` Turk, An` never hed a relative thet done a stroke o` work; Hern ain`t a scrimpin` fem`ly sech ez _you_ git up Down East, Th` ain`t a growed member on `t but owes his thousuns et the least: She _is_ some old; but then agin ther` `s drawbacks in my sheer:    Wut`s left o` me ain`t more `n enough to make a Brigadier: Wust is, thet she hez tantrums; she`s like Seth Moody`s gun (Him thet wuz nicknamed from his limp Ole Dot an` Kerry One); He`d left her loaded up a spell, an` hed to git her clear, So he onhitched,--Jeerusalem! the middle o` last year Wuz right nex` door compared to where she kicked the critter tu (Though _jest_ where he brought up wuz wut no human never knew); His brother Asaph picked her up an` tied her to a tree, An` then she kicked an hour `n` a half afore she`d let it be:    Wal, Miss S. _doos_ hev cuttins-up an` pourins-out o` vials, But then she hez her widder`s thirds, an` all on us hez trials. My objec`, though, in writin` now warn`t to allude to sech, But to another suckemstance more dellykit to tech,-- I want thet you should grad`lly break my merriage to Jerushy, An` there`s a heap of argymunts thet`s emple to indooce ye: Fust place, State`s Prison,--wal, it`s true it warn`t fer crime, o` course, But then it`s jest the same fer her in gittin` a disvorce; Nex` place, my State`s secedin` out hez leg`lly lef` me free To merry any one I please, pervidin` it`s a she;    Fin`lly, I never wun`t come back, she needn`t hev no fear on `t, But then it`s wal to fix things right fer fear Miss S. should hear on `t; Lastly, I`ve gut religion South, an` Rushy she`s a pagan Thet sets by th` graven imiges o` the gret Nothun Dagon; (Now I hain`t seen one in six munts, for, sence our Treashry Loan, Though yaller boys is thick anough, eagles hez kind o` flown An` ef J wants a stronger pint than them thet I hev stated, Wy, she`s an aliun in`my now, an` I`ve been cornfiscated,-- For sence we`ve entered on th` estate o` the late nayshnul eagle, She hain`t no kin` o` right but jes` wut I allow ez legle:    Wut _doos_ Secedin` mean, ef `tain`t thet nat`rul rights hez riz, `n` Thet wut is mine`s my own, but wut`s another man`s ain`t his`n? Besides, I couldn`t do no else; Miss S. suz she to me, `You`ve sheered my bed,` [thet`s when I paid my interduction fee To Southun rites,] `an` kep` your sheer,` [wal, I allow it sticked So `s `t I wuz most six weeks in jail afore I gut me picked,] `Ner never paid no demmiges; but thet wun`t do no harm, Pervidin` thet you`ll ondertake to oversee the farm; (My eldes` boy he`s so took up, wut with the Ringtail Rangers An` settin` in the Jestice-Court for welcomin` o` strangers;`)    [He sot on _me;_] `an` so, ef you`ll jest ondertake the care Upon a mod`rit sellery, we`ll up an` call it square; But ef you _can`t_ conclude,` suz she, an` give a kin` o` grin, `Wy, the Gran` Jurymen, I `xpect, `ll hev to set agin.` That`s the way metters stood at fust; now wut wuz I to du, But jes` to make the best on `t an` off coat an` buckle tu? Ther` ain`t a livin` man thet finds an income necessarier Than me,--bimeby I`ll tell ye how I fin`lly come to merry her. She hed another motive, tu: I mention of it here T` encourage lads thet`s growin` up to study `n` persevere,    An` show `em how much better `t pays to mind their winter-schoolin` Than to go off on benders `n` sech, an` waste their time in foolin`; Ef `twarn`t for studyin` evenins, why, I never `d ha` ben here A orn`ment o` saciety, in my approprut spear: She wanted somebody, ye see, o` taste an` cultivation, To talk along o` preachers when they stopt to the plantation; For folks in Dixie th`t read an` rite, onless it is by jarks, Is skurce ez wut they wuz among th` origenle patriarchs; To fit a feller f` wut they call the soshle higherarchy, All thet you`ve gut to know is jes` beyond an evrage darky;    Schoolin` `s wut they can`t seem to stan`, they `re tu consarned high-pressure, An` knowin` t` much might spile a boy for hem` a Secesher. We hain`t no settled preachin` here, ner ministeril taxes; The min`ster`s only settlement`s the carpet-bag he packs his Razor an` soap-brush intu, with his hym-book an` his Bible,-- But they _du_ preach, I swan to man, it`s puf`kly indescrib`le! They go it like an Ericsson`s ten-hoss-power coleric ingine, An` make Ole Split-Foot winch an` squirm, for all he`s used to singein`; Hawkins`s whetstone ain`t a pinch o` primin` to the innards To hearin` on `em put free grace t` a lot o` tough old sinhards!  But I must eend this letter now: `fore long I`ll send a fresh un; I`ve lots o` things to write about, perticklerly Seceshun: I`m called off now to mission-work, to let a leetle law in To Cynthy`s hide: an` so, till death,                                     Yourn,                                           BIRDOFREDUM SAWIN.

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