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James Russell Lowell - A Letter from a Candidate for the PresidencyJames Russell Lowell - A Letter from a Candidate for the Presidency
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Dear Sir—You wish to know my notions On sartin pints thet rile the land; There`s nothin` thet my natur so shuns Es bein` mum or underhand; I`m a straight-spoken kind o` creetur Thet blurts right out wut`s in his head, An` ef I`ve one pecooler feetur, It is a nose thet wunt be led. So, to begin at the beginnin`; An` come directly to the pint, I think the country`s underpinnin` Is some consid`ble out o` jint; I aint agoin` to try your patience By tellin` who done this or thet, I don`t make no insinooations, I jest let on I smell a rat. Thet is, I mean, it seems to me so, But, ef the public think I`m wrong I wunt deny but wut I be so— An`, fact, it don`t smell very strong; My mind`s tu fair to lose its balance An` say wich party hez most sense; There may be folks o`greater talence Thet can`t set stiddier on the fence. I`m an eclectic: ez to choosin` `Twixt this an`thet, I`m plaguy lawth; I leave a side thet looks like losin`, But (wile there`s doubt) I stick to both; I stan` upon the Constitution, Ez preudunt statesmun say, who`ve planned A way to git the most profusion O` chances ez to ware they`ll stand. Ez fer the war, I go agin it— I mean to say I kind o` du— Thet is, I mean thet, bein` in it, The best way wuz to fight it thru; Not but wut abstract war is horrid, I sign to thet with all my heart— But civlyzation doos git forrid Sometimes upon a powder-cart. About thet darned Proviso matter I never hed a grain o` doubt, Nor I aint one my sense to scatter So`s no one couldn`t pick it out; My love fer North an` South is equil, So I`ll just answer plump an` frank, No matter wut may be the sequil— Yes, sir, I am agin a Bank. Ez to the answerin` o` questions, I `am an off ox at bein` druv, Though I aint one thet ary test shuns I`ll give our folks a helpin` shove; Kind o` promiscoous I go it Fer the holl country, an` the ground I take, ez nigh ez I can show it, Is pooty gen`ally all round. I don`t appruve o` givin` pledges; You`d ough` to leave a feller free, An` not go knockin` out the wedges To ketch his fingers in the tree; Pledges air awfle breachy cattle Thet preudent farmers don`t turn out— Ez long`z the people git their rattle, Wut is there fer`m to grout about? Ez to the slaves, there`s no confusion In MY idees consarnin` them— I think they air an Institution, A sort of—yes, jest so—ahem: Do I own any? Of my merit On thet pint you yourself may jedge; All is, I never drink no sperit, Nor I haint never signed no pledge. Ez to my principles, I glory In hevin` nothin` o` the sort; I aint a Wig, I aint a Tory, I`m jest a candidate, in short; Thet`s fair an` square an` parpendicler, But, ef the Public cares a fig To hev me an` thin` in particler. Wy, I`m a kind o` peri-wig. P. S. Ez we`re a sort o` privateerin`, O` course, you know, it`s sheer an` sheer An` there is sutthin` wuth your hearin` I`ll mention in YOUR privit ear; Ef you git ME inside the White House, Your head with ile I`ll kio` o` `nint By gitt`n` YOU inside the Light-house Down to the eend o` Jaalam Pint An` ez the North hez took to brustlin` At bein` scrouged from off the roost, I`ll tell ye wut`ll save all tusslin` An` give our side a harnsome boost— Tell `em thet on the Slavery question I`m RIGHT, although to speak I`m lawth; This gives you a safe pint to rest on, An` leaves me frontin` South by North.

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