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Aeschylus - The Lament Of The Old NurseAeschylus - The Lament Of The Old Nurse
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NURSE     Our mistress bids me with all speed to call     Aegisthus to the strangers, that he come     And hear more clearly, as a man from man,     This newly brought report. Before her slaves,     Under set eyes of melancholy cast,     She hid her inner chuckle at the events     That have been brought to pass--too well for her,     But for this house and hearth most miserably,--     As in the tale the strangers clearly told.     He, when he hears and learns the story`s gist,     Will joy, I trow, in heart. Ah, wretched me!     How those old troubles, of all sorts made up,     Most hard to bear, in Atreus`s palace-halls     Have made my heart full heavy in my breast!     But never have I known a woe like this.     For other ills I bore full patiently,     But as for dear Orestes, my sweet charge,     Whom from his mother I received and nursed . . .     And then the shrill cries rousing me o` nights,     And many and unprofitable toils     For me who bore them. For one needs must rear     The heedless infant like an animal,     (How can it else be?) as his humor serve     For while a child is yet in swaddling clothes,     It speaketh not, if either hunger comes,     Or passing thirst, or lower calls of need;     And children`s stomach works its own content.     And I, though I foresaw this, call to mind,     How I was cheated, washing swaddling clothes,     And nurse and laundress did the selfsame work.     I then with these my double handicrafts,     Brought up Orestes for his father dear;     And now, woe`s me! I learn that he is dead,     And go to fetch the man that mars this house;     And gladly will he hear these words of mine.

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