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Robert Laurence Binyon - The Road MendersRobert Laurence Binyon - The Road Menders
Work rating: Low

How solitary gleams the lamplit street Waiting the far--off morn! How softly from the unresting city blows The murmur borne Down this deserted way! Dim loiterers pass home with stealthy feet. Now only, sudden at their interval, The lofty chimes awaken and let fall Deep thrills of ordered sound; Subsiding echoes gradually drowned In a great stillness, that creeps up around, And darkly grows Profounder over all Like a strong frost, hushing a stormy day. But who is this, that by the brazier red Encamped in his rude hut, With many a sack about his shoulder spread Watches with eyes unshut? The burning brazier flushes his old face, Illumining the old thoughts in his eyes. Surely the Night doth to her secrecies Admit him, and the watching stars attune To their high patience, who so lightly seems To bear the weight of many thousand dreams (Dark hosts around him sleeping numberless); He surely hath unbuilt all walls of thought To reach an air--wide wisdom, past access Of us, who labour in the noisy noon, The noon that knows him not. For lo, at last the gloom slowly retreats, And swiftly, like an army, comes the Day, All bright and loud through the awakened streets Sending a cheerful hum. And he has stolen away. Now, with the morning shining round them, come Young men, and strip their coats And loose the shirts about their throats, And lightly up their ponderous hammers lift, Each in his turn descending swift With triple strokes that answer and begin Duly, and quiver in repeated change, Marrying the eager echoes that weave in A music clear and strange. But pausing soon, each lays his hammer down And deeply breathing bares His chest, stalwart and brown, To the sunny airs. Laughing one to another, limber hand On limber hip, flushed in a group they stand, And now untired renew their ringing toil. The sun stands high, and ever a fresh throng Comes murmuring; but that eddying turmoil Leaves many a loiterer, prosperous or unfed, On easy or unhappy ways At idle gaze, Charmed in the sunshine and the rhythm enthralling, As of unwearied Fates, for ever young, That on the anvil of necessity From measureless desire and quivering fear, With musical sure lifting and downfalling Of arm and hammer driven perpetually, Beat out in obscure span The fiery destiny of man.

The script ran 0.001 seconds.