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Robert Laurence Binyon - The Tiger—LilyRobert Laurence Binyon - The Tiger—Lily
Work rating: Low

What wouldst thou with me? By what spell My spirit allure, absorb, compel? The last long beam that thou didst drink Is buried now on evening`s brink. The garden`s leafy alleys lone, With shadowy stem and mossy stone, Intangibly seem now to dress Colour and odour motionless. A stealing darkness breathes around, As if it rose out of the ground, And tingeing into it soft gold Ebbs, and the dewy green glooms cold, And dim boughs into black retire. But thou, seven--throated Flower of Fire, Sombring all the shadows near thee, Dost still, as if the night did fear thee, Glory amid the failing hues And this invading dusk refuse, And breathing out thy languid spice My spirit to thine own entice. Warm wafts that linger touch my cheek. What is it in me thou wouldst seek? Thou meltest all my thoughts away As leaf on leaf is mingled grey In shadow on shadow, past discerning. O cold to touch, to vision burning, What power is in thee so to change And my familiar sense estrange? Thou seemest born within a mind That has no ken of human kind; Remote from quick heart, curious brain, Feeling in joy, thinking in pain, Remote as beauty of sleeping snow Is from a flame`s wild shredded glow; Remote from mirth, anger or care, Or the deep wound and want of prayer, Yet like some word of splendid speech Beyond our human hearing`s reach, Whose meaning, could its sound be known, Might earth`s imprisoned secret own That binds as with a viewless thread This throbbing heart of joy and dread With tremblings of the wayside grass And pillars of the mountain pass And circling of the stars extreme     In boundless heights of heaven. I dream My dark heart into earth, I heap My spirit over with cold sleep, Resign my senses, one by one, To glooms that never saw the sun, Fade from this self to what behind Earth`s myriad shapes is urging blind, Am emptied of man`s name, become A blankness, as the mountain dumb, If so I may attain to win The secret thou art rooted in. Can life renounce not life? Must still The inexorably moving will Seek and make rankle the dulled sting Of essence? Must the desert spring Revive, and the forgotten seed Be drawn again by its old need Through blind beginnings of a sense, And dark desire of difference, And fear, and hope that feeds on fear, To its own destined character? I cannot lose nor abdicate The separateness of my state, Nor thou, that out of burial drawn Through the black earth didst shoot and dawn Tender and small and green, and mount In air, a springing, silent fount, Until the cold bud, sheathed so long, Slow swelled and burst like sudden song Into the sun`s delight, and naught Of costliest tissue ever wrought, Fragrant and in rare colours dyed, For the white body of a bride Or king`s anointing feast, could so Enrich the noon or inly glow To lose the sweetly--kindled sense In mystery of magnificence. Was there no cost to make thee fair? Did no far--off long pains prepare Those clustered curves of incense--breath? Did nothing suffer unto death To poise thee in thy glory? Came No tinge upon thy coloured flame From sighs? Was there no bosom bled That thou mightest be perfected-- As, serving some taskmaster`s doom A brown slave patient at the loom Toils, weaving his fine web of gold, More precious than his race, to fold In soft attire an idle queen, When long his own thin hands have been Dust, but in all their toil arrayed She through her pillared palace--shade Glows flower--like, and her young gaze has No thought of any deep Alas! Threaded into the sumptuous vest That lies upon her perfumed breast; Or as at crimsoned eve on high Some dying warrior turns his eye Where, lifted over spear and sword Among the loud victorious horde, A golden trophy gleams with blood That from his own spent body flowed, And trumpets sound across the sand To sunset in a conquered land? O thou wast from life`s weltering ore Breathed by enchanting mind before Man was in his own shape. Far, far Thou seemest as the evening star! Yet movest me like that lone light Fetched through the ages of the night Into this breathing garden--close; Or like the things that no man knows In a child`s eyes; or like, for one Watching a seaward--sinking sun, Beyond cold wastes of water pale The dim communion of a sail. Ah! though I know not what thou art, Yet in the fastness of my heart How shall I tell what lies unwrought Into the figured films of thought, Uncoloured yet by sharp or sweet, Or what forge of transforming heat Threatens this world of use and fact Wherewith the busy brain is packed? Thou art of me, O Flower of Flame, What is not uttered, has no name, The springing of a want unmated, A joy no fallen hour has dated. Some of my mystery thou holdest, Secretly, splendidly unfoldest.

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