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Robert Laurence Binyon - WestwardRobert Laurence Binyon - Westward
Work rating: Low

I found my Love among the fern. She slept. My shadow stole across her, as I stept More lightly and slowly, seeing her pillowed so In the short--turfed and shelving green hollow Upon a cushion of wild thyme, amid Tall bracken--tufts that, roughly luminous, hid Her hair in amber shadow. Then I stopped. The light was in the West: the wind had dropped; A burning fragrance breathed out of the ground, And the sea--murmur rose remote around. But my Love slept. My very heart was singing With the sweet swarm of winged thoughts it was bringing: And she lay there, with the just heaving breast, So still. As a lark drops down to its nest, I sank beside her, waiting for those eyes To complete earth with light that nowhere lies But in their depths for me, and carry home     The flight of my full spirit. I had come From wandering wide beaches far beneath This airy height of summer--scented heath. I was alone, and the shore solitary, And the sea glittered infinite and starry As on the sands I paced, that dazzling wet Shone round, until the tumbled rocks they met At the gaunt cliff`s root; silvery runnels, fed From oozy levels draining to their bed, Wound flashing between smoothly furrowed slabs Which the sky coloured; there the youngling crabs Had scrawled a trail, and weeds, dull--rose and green, Lay by their shadows, where old foam had been, Crusted with shells. A mist of finest spray Blew from the western glory, and in the bay The ever--streaming surges gleamed and roared Like a rejoicing Power for ever poured For the mere splendour of its motion: salt The air came to the nostril; and the vault Of heaven had burnt its colours into one Unfathomable clearness, that the sun Was soul of, as it journeyed down the West And in the leaping waters made each crest A moment of live fire. I breathed the immense And shining silence. It was to my sense Like youth, that`s all horizon, and misgives Nothing, and in the unbounded moment lives, And names not hope yet among things endured And unamended, being so assured Of its desire and the long day, and so Ignorant of that swift Night, saying No. Ah, why should peace and liberty most bring Into the heart that loves them most the sting Of Time`s oppression, and the thwarting thorns, The loss, the want, the many clouded morns? O for deliverance! To untwist the bond Of circumstance; to breathe the blest Beyond Where we would be; to incarnate clean and true All we were born and dedicated to! O Love, how often have we shared that sigh! To me beside that boundless sea and sky Intolerably came my briefness; all The undone things. Why into hearts so small Were crammed these hungering immensities, Thrust each day back to a prison that denies     Their native satisfaction? I cast me down On a great slope of rock that, ribbed and brown, Was cloven at the top; and in between The hollowed ledges I could lightly lean And see the deep cup of a pool; it held Its limpid leaving of the surge that swelled, A tide since, over that sea--buried reef. A round pool, deeply clear beyond belief, Rough with minute white shells about its rim, Its crystal in the shadow gleamed how dim And small! while in my eye the homeless main, Its brine was of, a splendid restless plain Of water, spread a path for any keel To take, the round world over, and to feel Pressures of every wind, and haven far Where it should choose, mirroring mast and spar In sultry smooth lagoon, or under pines Snow--plumed on iron fiord, or where lines Of ships at a famed port with traffic hum And chimes of foreign bells to sailors come, And strange towers over crowded wharfs look high. --Ah! such a drop of casual life was I, At evening left: my simple, scanted, raw Experience but the sipping of a straw Snatched from me soon! I lifted up my gaze Into the west and the spray--misted blaze Where the sun gloried, and his glittering track     Allured me on and on. Then I looked back. All was changed. Something had transfigured each Of those hard cliffs that thrust into the beach Their bouldered ramparts. Every narrow seam Brimmed with the opposite light, and the warm gleam Found out small clusters of sea--pink, and many A samphire--tuft in its uneven cranny, And bloomed a burning orange on the stain Of lichen, and dissembled rosy grain On the rock`s blackness. At the summit showed A gemmy green, where the grass patches glowed Between those jutting crags. The air was hush; And the shore quivered with a phantom flush Of molten colours on far--shining sand. All was as warm to sight as to the hand, Distinct yet insubstantial, as if what The eye saw had been created by a thought Intenser than its vision. Memory played A music in the mind, and Time delayed To whisper names forgotten; I saw no more The sculpture of those rocks, that vivid shore; But far--off hours arose before me there Beautiful in a bright unearthly air. Memory touched her stops, and one by one They came, each with its own shadow and sun And its peculiar perfume: each a part Of the quick blood and pulsing of my heart. I carried riches; I was as a king, Clothed in a more than royal apparelling, Because of glories in the mind, and light In eyes I knew, and the unended flight Of thought, and friendship warmer than the sun, And dateless joy, and hope shared, and things done With all the soul`s strength, and still precious pain. Youth, O sweet, careless Youth, flooding the vein With easy blood, what time the body knows Scarce that it is, so brimmingly life glows Within it, and its motions are like words Born happy on the lips, and like the birds On April--blossomed boughs rich fancies throng The mind`s exuberance and spill in song, I think my heart back into all the bloom And feel it fresh. As one that enters home, I am there: the shyness, and the secret flame Of ecstasy that knew not any name, The wild heart--eating fevers, the young tears, The absorbed soul, the trouble, and the fears Wide as the night, the joy without a thought Meeting the morning,--Time has never taught My heart to lose them. Still I smell that rose Of so inscrutable sweetness; and still glows The glory of the wonder when I first Heard the enchanted poets, and they burst In song upon my spirit, as if before No one had ever passed that magic door, But for me, first in all the world, they sang. Sweetest of all things, Youth, sweet in the pang As in the pleasure, you are in me yet, Changed as the grape to wine: could I forget, Then were this hand dust. In those yesterdays Memory happy and familiar strays, Exploring hours that, long in shadow lain, Come effortlessly all distinct again, As in my light boat I would track the banks Of narrow streams that rippled past the ranks Of yellow--flowered reeds, and knew not where They led me, for no human sound was there, But the shy wings were near me, and I to them, And the wild earth was round me as in a dream And I was melted into it. I can hear, Lost in the green, bright silence, where I steer Beneath gold shadows wavering on my arm The water saying over its low charm Among the reeds, and, dreading to disturb The mirror of the blossomed willow--herb, Drink it into my heart. O idle hours, Floating with motion like the summer towers Of cloud in the blue noon, I have not drained Your fullness yet, for all that care has rained Upon defeated days of dark sundown, Like burial of all beauty and all renown, When the spirit sits within its fortalice       And watches mute. One simple, passionate kiss Can alter earth for ever. Out of what Imagination, or what far forethought Of Time, came Love in beauty new and strange With eyes of light, my earth and sky to change And bring me vision of a promised land, As if long--sunken centuries had planned The meeting of our lips? From far we came To one another, ere we had a name. Wonderful shape, white ecstasy, the cup That God with living wine has so filled up! O body made like music, like a word Syllabled in spontaneous accord; Quick--sensed with apprehension; capable Of extreme joy, of pangs far--piercing; full Of divine wants, like a wave moving through The passionate and transparent soul of you; O mystery and power, charged with unknown Futurities; a lovely flame that`s blown In the wind of life, and sister`d to all fire That has in it the peril of all desire; Dearer than breath, what are you made of, whence Come you? I know not; the eluded sense Only replies, ``To name her is to tell The very name of Love.`` It is to spell A language more profound than tongue can use, Written in the heart`s blood of the world; to lose All that is worth the losing, and to trust In spite of withered leaf and charnel dust. Who knows his own beginning? Hour from hour Is born; in secret buds, and breaks to flower Within us. Nothing we have ever been, Nothing we have endured, nothing we have seen,-- Ay, and before we came into this light, Were sacrificial hopes, and exquisite Fears, and the jealous patience of the womb, And throes of self--consuming martyrdom, Imprinted on the fibre of our flesh,-- Nothing is ended, but is made afresh Into a subtler potency; the eyes See a more wondrous earth, the senses prize More, its more pregnant meaning; and we go To enrich a world beyond us, overflow Into a mind of what thoughts who can tell? O Love, we draw from an unfathomed well. Where are the June nights that made heaven a whole Blue jewel, throbbing through the very soul? Where is the dizzying bloom and the perfume-- Earth--ecstasy, sighed up to starry gloom, That in the touching lips` ineffable Communion, was a spirit and a spell, As if we had found within ourselves a being More infinite than any shown to seeing? Where is the beauty that stole thought away And moved to tears some one remembered day? Where is the laughter some sweet chance would start, To leave its summer warmth about the heart? Where are the places we shall see no more? Are they not powers to haunt us at the core Of feeling, and evoke the eternal Now, Like music, out of nothing? Nay, I vow, Most perishable, most immortal tastes; And the frail flame, that touches us and hastes Into the dark, endures more than the build Of proudest fortress. We are found and filled; And it suffices. For we pass among Grandeurs, and from a grandeur we are sprung, Marvellous in our destiny, and know Man is most man meeting a giant foe, Whether overcoming or defeated. We, Who hear, like moving rumour of the sea And march of ocean waves, the human sound About us, filled with meaning more profound; Who know what hearts beat by us, and have shared In all the mighty martyr names have dared; Who feel all earth beneath the stars, the race Of rivers, and the mountains in their place, Faculties of our being; and have a mind Dyed in the ardent story of our kind; We in our briefness, in our storm and ache, Our loves magnificent in hearts that break, We, all our bonds and bounds exceeding, ay, Burning a loftier flame because we die, We at Time`s outpost, we the thrust spear--head Against the opposing darkness of the dead, We are the world`s adventure! We speed on, Stay not, but westward travel with the sun, Westward into the splendour that takes all, And carry far into the great light`s fall That infinite memory of the world we bear Within our spirits, burning and aware. Wake, Love, awake!--Her eyes shone into mine That moment. In the air was light divine, Sinking and yet suspended still, to hold Rocks, ocean, heaven, within one bath of gold. But in the soul that met me from those eyes, Impassioning the beauty of the skies, Was my completion. Earth, as newly made Ev`n to the smallest shape of green grass--blade, Lived; and the thrilled, bright silence sang to me; For in the hush I heard the boundless sea.

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