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Robert Laurence Binyon - Midsummer VigilRobert Laurence Binyon - Midsummer Vigil
Work rating: Low

Night smiles on me with her stars, Mystic, pure, enchanted, lone. Light, that only heaven discloses, Is in heaven that no cloud mars; Here, through murmuring darkness blown, Comes the scent of unseen roses. Now the world is all asleep; Drowsy man dull rest is taking. I with whispering trees apart My deserted vigil keep. Light leaves in the light wind shaking Echo back my beating heart. And the garden`s perfumes thrill me Like a touch or whispered name: Heliotrope and lavender Slumber--odoured lilies, fill me With their breath, like subtlest flame; Vague desire and yearning stir. Shadowy elms above me, crowned With mysterious foliage, dim Mid the stars, against the skies, Hidden lawn and alley bound, Full of voices, full of dream, Fragrant breathings and long sighs. Wishes, that with eager tongues Strive among the soft--blown boughs, Each an amorous messenger; Dreams, that glide in noiseless throngs; Wingèd flight of earnest vows; Listening with hushed breath I hear. This intoxicating sweetness That the perfumed air exhales, Stir of thoughts and dear desires, Joys that faint with their own fleetness, Passion that for utterance fails; Whither burns it? where aspires? `Tis for her, whose worshipped hand Holds my heart, for life, for death. Ah, could she, could she but come Hither, where Love`s witching wand Holds the midnight`s thoughtful breath, While the stars are glittering dumb! Come, that into that sweet ear I might pour what until now Never heart brought tongue to tell, Mistress ne`er had bliss to hear, Lover with his hundredth vow Vainly sought to syllable. Pale with transport when I take `Twixt my hands her face, and look Deep into her brimming eyes, Passionately fain to speak, How my trembling murmurs mock Those unuttered ecstacies! And when cheek to cheek is prest, And the pulse of her pure being Throbs from her veins into mine, Love in torment from my breast Cries athirst for language, freeing In sweet speech his pangs divine. How should language, weak and vain, Bear the burden of such joy? How should words the meaning reach Of that charm`s ecstatic pain; Charm which words would but destroy Of devotion beyond speech? But to--night, dear, Love is kind, And those jealous bonds that mesh The heart`s tongue--tied truth sets free. Undivided, unconfined By those walls of human flesh, Look, my heart is bared to thee! Seeing, thou shalt want not eyes; Hearing, thou shalt need not ears; Purged, our spirits shall burn through Tedious day`s necessities. O to cast off doubts and fears! To touch truth, and feel it true! Thou my tender thought shalt find Ever, like a quick--eyed slave, Watching for thy wish unspoken; In my inmost treasury shrined Looks and tones thy spirit gave, Faith`s for ever cherished token! Come, O come, where`er thou art! Ere this rich hour past reprieve In the garish daylight die, Hear me, Sweet, and my heart`s heart, My soul`s soul, believe, receive, Poured into a single sigh!

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