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Felicia Dorothea Hemans - Ode To CheerfulnessFelicia Dorothea Hemans - Ode To Cheerfulness
Work rating: Low

LOVELY nymph! with eye serene, Dimpled smile and frolic mien; Come, with airy step advancing, Come, with blooming Hebe dancing; O`er the meads I see thee straying— Youth and sport around thee playing— Gay content, thy sister fair, Twines a garland round thy hair. Thine the lip of roseate dye; Thine the pleasure-sparkling eye; Thine the cheek that softly glows, Brighter than the blushing rose! Guide me to thy fav`rite bow`rs, To deck thy rural shrine with flow`rs. In thy lowly, sylvan cell, Peace and virtue love to dwell; Ever let me own thy sway, Still to thee my tribute pay. When Zephyr waves his balmy wing, To kiss the sweets of May; When the soft melodies of spring Resound from ev`ry spray; With thee, sweet maid! I`ll rove along, And tread the morning dews; To hear the wood-lark`s early song, To court the laughing muse. With thee I`ll rove, when summer pours Her treasures o`er the land; When fair Pomona sheds her stores, With kind, luxuriant hand;— When Autumn, bearing golden sheaves, Delights the happy swain; And softly paints the fading leaves, And crowns the fertile plain. And e`en in winter`s hoary reign I`ll wake my festive lays; Thy look shall prompt th` enliv`ning strain, And "brighten at the blaze!" I court thee in the vernal hours Of life`s enchanting morn; Thy hand shall strew my path with flow`rs And steal away the thorn: But when the dawn of youth is fled, The spring of life so fair; Ah! wilt thou then benignly shed Thy placid beams around my head, And steal my thoughts from care? Yes! gentle pow`r, thy heav`nly ray Shall cheer my morning bright; And e`en in life`s declining day, Shall gild the dark and thorny way, With mild, celestial light!

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