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Felicia Dorothea Hemans - Lines To The Memory Of A Very Amiable Young Lady, Who Died At The Age Of EighteenFelicia Dorothea Hemans - Lines To The Memory Of A Very Amiable Young Lady, Who Died At The Age Of Eighteen
Work rating: Low

AT length, departed saint! thy pangs are o`er, And earthly suff`ring shall be thine no more; Like some young rose-bud, blighted in its May, Thy virtues bloom`d, to wither soon away! Around thy grave let Spring her off`ring strew, Her drooping lilies, bath`d in fragrant dew; Emblems of thee, thou sweet, lamented maid; Thou spotless lily, doom`d so soon to fade! Angelic sweetness, piety refin`d, Within thy gentle bosom were enshrin`d. Thy heav`nly mind display`d, in early youth, The fairest blossom of celestial truth— How oft, sweet girl! thy soothing tears would flow, In sacred sympathy with others` woe! Yet Patience taught thee to sustain thy own, Suppress the sigh, and hush the rising moan; `Midst anguish, still to wear the placid mien, Mild Resignation`s smile and look serene! Ye who have watch`d beside the mournful bed, And rais`d, with anxious care, the languid head; Gaz`d on the pallid cheek, the faded eye, And heard the breathings of the parting sigh; Ye who have mourn`d a sister`s early doom, Or bent in sorrow o`er a daughter`s tomb; Oh! weep for those, who sadly now deplore, The fate, the virtues, of the maid no more. What pow`r can sooth a tender parent`s grief, Or bring the friend`s, the sister`s woes relief? Religion pure, ineffably divine, Angel of peace, that heav`nly pow`r is thine, Though spreading glooms the beam of joy may shroud, Still, still thy rainbow brightens in the cloud; Dispels the mist of error and of night, Till fairer prospects open on the sight; The blissful regions of eternal rest, The calm, Elysian mansions of the blest. —There too, each pang, each earthly suff`ring o`er, Her gentle spirit soars, to weep no more! "Mourn not for me," the happy seraph cries, "Exulting, lo! I gain my native skies! A golden harp enraptur`d now I bear, A wreath of bright, unfading palms I wear! Mourn not for me, escap`d from ev`ry woe! I gaze with pity, on the scenes below! And bless the hour, when, freed from mortal clay, My spirit mounted to the realms of day! Oh! think, when past, a few eventful years, Of toil and sorrow in the vale of tears; Then shall we meet, releas`d from ev`ry pain, Then shall we meet—nor ever part again!"

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